A lecture to a deaf man

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O' my time is getting older,

and years are turning me colder,

Colder than the stinging winds,

and my sight is getting dimmer,

for I am the unforgivable sinner,

O darling speak in silences ,

for I am a deaf man,

guide me,

guide me,

though I am the deaf man,

My history? I have no history,

I am a man with a lost identity,

and my date of birth?,

is the time you love me,

I am still an infant to you,

nothing but an unborn child,

my childhood is mystified,

until I'm born with your love,

You are my tribe,

my homeland,

and my identity, 

I'm waiting for residence,

For long I've been waiting,

though how would a homeless man,

marry the Queen?

Burning Papers-love poems  Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum