Transparent Crystals

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No man, that read my eyes,
but knew that I loved you,
no man, that read my hands,
but knew your name,
everyman, that reads the fantasies of my poems,
have  travelled to your lips,
no man, that knew my address,
 did not know the way to your heart,

we are two volcanoes,
that erupt on cold rivers,
and how can I laugh from your lips;
while you cry from my tunes?,
and how can I breathe;
the air you are breathing??
how can I?

Allow me to breathe from your windpipe,
and talk from your lips,
talk to me for a minute,
so that I never be a settlement,
in a village,
or a fish that swims,
in wide oceans,

We are two rainbows,
that emerge, on the faces of the moons,
I can hide everything, but you,
where shall I keep you?
we are visible to the universe,
in transparent crystals,

O'darling, I never want you to love me,
I just want to be the spring of your rivers,
the warmth of your winters,
and the shades of your summers.

Never talk, stay silent,
I am the one who creates conversations with the deaf,
 the one who makes the blind sights,
and the one who makes the illiterate man reads.

allow me just allow me

Burning Papers-love poems  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora