Chapter 1

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  Glass. Pure, delicate and reflective, but also impenetrable and cold. I stare through the four walls of bulletproof glass I now call my home, for life. But don't feel sorry for me, I honestly deserve this, all of this, actually if I was three weeks older the state would have just given me the death sentence instead of a cot and three meals for the rest of my life. So I'm actually grateful.

I hear a light buzz, before a light squeak enters my cell over the comms. They really need to fix that.

" Prisioner 617, on your knees, while the security detail comes in." A nervous higher voice says.

I smile widely and move to my knees, I've never meet the person who does my calms but I still can't decide if it's a man or a woman. Once I'm on my knees I hear the familiar hiss as the only entrance or exit to this cell is opened. I watch as three pairs of black shining boots move in, they pause and wait for a final slightly shiner pair of  boots to make its way over to me.

" Prisioner 617 hands on your head!" One of the guards snaps, I smile as I do as she says. Detainment bands are clipped on my wrist and I feel a light numbness go through both my arms, the guard with perfect polished boots stops in front of me. I stare at his boots for a second to see my reflection. I look up a smile glued to my face.

"Goodness, your shoes are brighter than my future." I tell him, behind his helmet I can't tell his expression, but I do hear one of the detail clear their throat. Progress.

"Prisioner 617 has been approved for meals." The leader recites, unamused.

"Gee, thanks, I'm glad their letting me eat today." I say jokingly, the only response I get is the guards on either side grabbing my arms to help me up.

"One day I'm going to get you guys to laugh." I tell them as we past through my glass cell door to the outside world. After going through three sets of scanners we finally make it to the Mess hall.

I'm in solidarity, so the mess hall is almost completely empty except for the six other solidarity prisioners in this prison. I see these people Everyday, but I'm never allowed to talk or interact with them. But that hasn't stopped me from mentally giving them names.

Like the girl with the rainbow colored hair, personally I think she is the coolest person in this prison, after the guard with shiny boots, of course. I have a feeling that rainbow hair girl, has like a normal name so I've started mentally calling her, Jane.

The Guy with the missing eye is named Archie. Because what else do you call someone with one eye.

The little boy with the electric blue eyes is named, Connor. Also I'm pretty sure beyond a reasonable doubt Connor is a arsenist. Why else would a cute kid like him be in a max security prison under solidarity confinement.

There is Opal, who I'm pretty sure is insane, but aren't we all?

Then there's John, other than his long sleeve tattoos I don't see a rough bone in his body. Out of all of us he seems the most normal.

But being normal is relative, look at me. My name is Reagan, and I'm seventeen years old. And this is my story on how I'm everything but normal ........

UnforgivableOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz