"Would you like for me to make you something, my lady?" Roe asks from behind me.

"An apple will be fine Roe, thank you."


I wonder through the tower of Corvium still, the sour tang of my green apple lingering on my lips. I hold the fruit in my palm, listening to the sound of my teeth breaking through the crisp layer in the empty halls. Roe walks quietly behind me still, her own apple in her hand, a red one. She protested taking it, and still hasn't bitten into it. I follow the empty hallways, letting them lead me and Roe.

I come to a thick oak door, but I know it's not the council chamber. I drop the apple core on the ground, to brace my hands against the door to push them open. The metal hinges groan under the pressure but push open just enough for me and Roe to slip in. The scent of dust and something old and something unused greets us.

A library.

A sense of warmth and familiarity comes over me. I am taken aback to the many times my father sat me on his knee, when I was a girl, in our library back at the Nornus estate. How his voice sounded as he read. The deep timbers that brought me such security. Or the steady rise and fall of his chest, that often lured me to sleep. My heart aches as I move deeper into the library. It's small, but cozy with more than enough books to keep me, I look back at Roe, who is looking at the books with veiled curiosity, to keep us occupied for a few hours.

"Shouldn't we head back now, my lady?" Roe asks her voice a whisper.

"To do what, Roe?" I ask pulling a book from the shelf. It is dated older, but the pages are crisp and white. It makes me a little sad. I open the book, the binding crackling with misuse. I lift the book to my nose, my disappointment greatened when that old nor new book smell meets me. It smells empty. "Stare at the walls, while we wait for the council to make a few choices."

"I suppose not my lady," she answers hesitantly after a still moment.

I chuckle pulling a few more books down from the shelves, stacking them in my arms. "Then come help me."

Ptolemus Pov

Too much time has passed. With every tick of the clock and thump of my increasing pulse, my nerves intensify. Where is she? Immediately I'm drawn to the worst possible conclusion. Someone told those Reds about her. They got to her. Farley's scarred face flashes before me. I should have left her at the Rift. She wouldn't be leaving, if I had. I would be on my way back to her, safe and sound. Waiting.

I prowl the halls of Corvium, looking in every empty room. Every corner. I would call out her name if it wouldn't bring such unwanted attention. Attention on her is the last thing I want on her. Nobody here deserves it. I keep searching, roaming the halls.

I stop mid step a few minutes later, noticing a discarded apple core on the floor. Some instinct makes me push open the doors it sits by. It's dark and smells faintly of dust. A library. Of course. It's quiet, but I go through the aisles anyway.

"Belle?" I call out, hearing my voice carry in the emptiness. "Isabelle are you here?"

I wait a few heartbeats before hearing. "Here."

My feet move towards the sweet voice. "Where?"

This time I can hear the smile in her voice. "We're over here."

We? I turn the corner and there she is. Adorably eased in a corner, her knees tucked under her body, her summer dress laid meticulously over her knees with short stacks of various books surrounding her. She peers over the one in her hands, her cat like orbs catching the little lighting around her. Her Red servant is perched near, looking awkward around the many stacks. She looks to haven't touched any of them. I don't bother addressing her presence, knowing it will only upset Isabelle. I turn my attention back to her.

"I've been looking for you."

She smiles closing the book. "Well, seems you found me," She looks back at her maid and nods once. The girl dips her head before rising and walking away. Isabelle turns back to me and places the book on a nearby stack. "These were quite good. You should read more Samos."

I try to humor her, "I'll think about it," I offer her my hand, "We need to talk."

She ignores my hand but instead fixes her dress over her knees, "I want to stay here."

"Isabelle," I sigh.

"Wouldn't it be safer to talk here anyway?" She counters before I can say anything. Then her eyes soften and her lips purse slightly. "Please." Knowing this short lived battle is lost I sink down next to her. Her smile is worth it. "So tell me, what is such great importance?"

I smile at her trying to let in some warmth. "If I'm going to be sitting on the floor," I nod to the hem of her dress, "you could pull your dress up a little for me."

Her face flushes silver and her eyes go wide. She shoves my shoulder playfully, "Shut up," she laughs, but leans over to touch her lips to mine. I gladly accept her affections, pulling her closer, my hand grasping her golden curls at the base of her neck so her head tips back.

She pulls away too soon for my liking. "So, what do we need to talk about?"

It astounds me the power she has gained over me from one simple kiss. My mind is blank for a few moments before it all comes rushing back. "We won the battle, yes," I start, "But it did not come without its consequences. Corvium has little use to us now and we lost many valuable soldiers and we need more healers. Davidson, is going back to Montfort to petition for more help."

"Petition?" She asks her head tilting in the way that she does.

"I don't know," I shake my head. "But he seemed confident in it."

"What else?"

"Tiberius and Barrow are accompanying him. Evangeline is going as well."

Isabelle runs her manicured thumb over my knuckles. I didn't even know I had reached out to her. "And?"

I sigh the words almost sticking in my throat. "Mother finally sees this has her opportunity to send you away."

I watch as her whole body goes taunt. It's so unlike her, I feel awful and I feel myself tense. Her voice is soft and confused. "What?"

"I've been ignoring my husbandry duties and the underlying reason for that, at least from my parent's perspective, is you."

Her eyes drop, thick dark eyelashes popping against her sun kissed cheeks. "Oh."

"You'll only be gone for a night. Two at the most." I run the end of her braid between my fingertips. "Evangeline will be with you at least. If it's any comfort, Elane won't be too ecstatic about this situation either."

To my surprise Isabelle laughs. It's not her usual chirp of pure amusement, but empty and heavy. "Makes you wonder the purpose of your marriage now. I mean," she sniffs, "we should have seen this coming. Your sister's betrothal to Tiberius, it's obvious now. But you two live in the moment, huh."

I can't match my own anger with her although my internal reflex is to do just that. I know now, if I do, she'll just come right back at me with equal fire, and I can't leave her angry. Not like this. So instead I take a deep breath and with my free hand I cup her cheek, my fingers threading into her hair. She sighs and leans into my hand.

"You're right," I start and her eyes flicker up to mine. "If things had been planned better, perhaps you could have been my wife by now. Maybe we could've been happier. But its not, Isabelle and I'm sorry for that."

She places her hand over mine, but says nothing. I know things aren't perfect between us, it is not how it used to be. I doubt it ever will be. There is uncertainty and distrust and I can't fault her for that. She is right, this could have been avoided, if only we had thought ahead. But so am I, there is little to do about it now.

"So what?" She says finally.

"So, they'll be leaving soon. Make their first stop in Piedmont and then onto Montfort. When you return, you'll be coming to the Rift, that is where everyone else will be." I move my hand from her face and trail it down her neck, pushing her braid over her shoulder. "That is where I will be. And when you come back to me," I flick my eyes up to her. "We'll celebrate your return."

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