Chapter 17

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Radhika patiently sat on the sofa while Raghu paced around the living room. He was furious because of the incident that had just unfurled. He had a lot of questions but he didn't know how to voice them, mostly because he was afraid of the answers Radhika would give him.
Even though Raghu was really mad at Radhika for getting into trouble again, he had the presence of mind to call an ambulance to help the man he had subjugated with a punch. Later, he came to know that the man's name was Amit, when a very distressed looking Radhika provided the paramedics with the personal details of the man they were treating.
After Radhika assured the paramedics and Raghu that she was fine, Raghu took her back to their apartment.
'Who was that?', he finally asked her.
'He was my fiance.', replied Radhika calmly.
'And you never thought you should inform me of the existence of your mad ex fiance?', Raghu asked menacingly.
Radhika was amazed at his hypocrisy. On one side, he had married her, keeping her in the dark about how he used to date her twin sister in college and now he was upset about not being informed about her ex fiance who is not relevant anymore or at leastshe thought was not relevant enough to be mentioned to her disinterested husband.

'How dare you? You, of all the people, are accusing me of keeping you in the dark?', she asked him with such fierceness that Raghu was at a loss for words.

'First of all you never want to talk to me even about normal things and now you are upset about not being in the loop about the people that used to be a part of my life?', continued Radhika, leaving Raghu baffled.
He had never heard her speak with grit an tenacity. She had always presented herself as a demure bride who would always do his bid, without questioning him back.
As Raghu tried to defend himself,  she cut him off and continued talking,
'You, mister, are an asshole, who also happens to be a hypocrite. Did I ever interrogate you or become antsy  about your relationship with Revathy? I admit,  I was bothered about it, but it was not because you were involved with my sister. I was upset about how heartless my parents were when it came to their daughters' lives.' Radhika ranted restlessly.

Raghu just stared at her incredulously. He was seeing glimpses of his self righteous Revathy in her right now and he couldn't look away.

'I didn't try to judge you for your past that happened even before you knew me. I expected that decency from you too. But if you really must know, that man was my ex fiance who broke of our engagement, when I was fighting for my life in the ICU. He wanted to make amends with me and invite me back into his life. When I refused he threatened to kill me. That's when you arrived.', she huffed at him.
'I .. I don't know what to say to you.', Raghu stammered.
'Of course you don't.' , she scoffed at his before saying. 'But I am grateful to you for saving me from Amit.' she said to him as a consolation before dashing out of the room, leaving Raghu ponder over his thoughts.
Radhika was turning out to be a handful and he wasn't prepared for it. Amit, was another headache that had erupted today. Raghu had made an amateur deduction that he was mental unstable and he vowed to keep tabs on him at all times as a preventative measure to keep him from harming Radhika again.

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