Chapter 16

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'Amit', Radhika uttered his name feigning nonchalance. He looked pained at her indifference.
'Radhika, we need to talk', he said with indignation.
'No we don't. You and I are not related in any manner and I don't have any need to put up with your harrassment', she said trying to wriggle free from his hold but all he did was tighten his grip around her wrist.
'I made a mistake. I want you back.' he said exasperated with her emotionless answers.
'Too late. I am married now and as far as I am concerned you broke of our engagement even before I regained consciousness from an attack that was not my fault in any manner.', Radhika said with a cruel edge to her tone.
'My parents pressurised me into doing it. They threatened to disown me.', Amit said helplessly.
'And now aren't you afraid of their threats?',
'No. I have realised you are the only one that matters and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.', Amit said climbing down from his bike and cupping her face.
She started thrashing around to escape from his hold but he was too strong for her. She tried hitting him with her bag full of groceries but all that didn't have any effect on his hysterical self.
They were many bystanders gawking at the situation but not one person stepped forward to help Radhika.
'I have been a mess after I left you. Look at me Radhika.', he said grabbing her chin and twisting it dangerously close to his face. He did look unkempt. He had dark circles under his eyes and he was sporting a shaggy beard in place of his normally clean shaven chin. Radhika felt sorry for him but at the moment all she wanted was to get rid of him.
'If I cannot have you. I will kill you and then I will kill myself. ' he said  like a mad man,  grabbing the nape of her neck and tilting her face upwards.
She started whimpering. Radhika didn't know what sins she committed to be deserving this kind of a treatment.
She heard a scuffle a behind her and  Suddenly she was free of his hold. His body fell limp onto the ground , his eyes rolling upwards. She turned to thank the person who had saved her and a riled up Raghuvaran occupied the place.
'What the fuck are you doing here?', a very angry Raghu asked her.

Raghu was having a good day. He had got a new lead to the hideout of the the mafia leader, Razak. He had recruited members to his task force and debriefed them about their mission, all in less than 2 hours. Now he and his force were on their way to the hideout to catch the menacing criminal.
He and his force reached a warehouse that has been abandoned for years as per the instructions of his informant. They stocked up on ammunition and weapons. This was a huge operation. One mistake on his part, could cost a lot to the police department.
He signalled his colleagues to go and surround the warehouse in order to keep an eye on all the possible escape routes.
Once his force had settled around the warehouse, he and his 2 subordinates burst into the warehouse, with their guns aimed straight ahead for a killshot.
Razak was seated at the head of conference table in a space that was decorated with a finesse only royalty could afford. Raghu and his men seemed to have caught him in the middle of a deal. Surprisingly, Razak did not try to fight back or have  his men shooting at the police. He quietly surrendered with his hands up in the air allowing Raghu to cuff his hands.
Soon the arrest was recorded and Razak was finally behind the bars much to the amazement of a very thrilled Raghu. He also managed to nab an international arms dealer whom the Interpol was hunting for the past two years.
He didn't expect his final showdown with the feared crimelord Razak to work out so smoothly and easily, but he was happy with the way things had turned out.
Now he was driving back his Jeep Wrangler to his apartment. He had left while Radhika was still fast asleep. He was aware that Radhika was feeling depressed and neglected because of his attitude towards her and not to mention the vile phone call between her and her parents too was deeply exhausting for her. He decided that he would take her out for a dinner date to cheer her up.
As he was nearing his apartment building, he sensed commotion down the streets. A woman was trying to push away a man who seemed to be physically dominating over her, with several people watching them.
Annoyed at the fools for not helping the lady, He stopped his vehicle and walked over to the couple. The man had a manic glee in his eyes. Without thinking twice, he threw a punch towards the man's jaw. Within seconds, the man was out cold on the stoned pavement of the road.
He turned towards the woman, to have a very hassled looking Radhika stare back at him gratefully.
Raghu was livid. Raghu had flurry of thoughts passing through his mind.
'Did this woman have a magnet to attract horrible men towards her?'
' Moreover,Why was this strange man attacking Radhika in the middle of the road?'
Raghu, frustrated by the situation, snarled at her, 'What the fuck are you doing here?'

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