Chapter 19

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A Couple of Months Later

The clock struck five. Radhika turned off her computer system and picked up her bag, stuffing all her belongings strewn around the table, into it. She bade her colleagues goodbye and walked out of the glass doors of her office.
She boarded the bus that stops opposite her apartment complex. The bus was less crowded that evening and she was fortunate enough to find a seat next to the window.
Things at home was still not going well. Raghu was as distant and aloof as he was when she first met him, maybe even more.
She had even taken an intiative to patch up things with him, by organising a Sunday lunch with his favourite dishes with the help of his sister. But she was rudely snubbed by him. He had refused to turn up for the lunch, making her look pitiful in front of his sister's family.
But Radhika couldn't give up totally. Her life was at stake here. She had even gave him an option to divorce her, but he had just walked out of the apartment looking disgusted by her words. Secretly, she was happy by his reaction but she didn't know how longer she could carry on like this.
Even though they lived under the same roof, they lived like roommates. Sometimes she would be alone in that apartment for weeks with no sign of him and one sudden day, he would show up at her door, looking all haggard and frustrated.
Radhika had also noticed that  Raghu has been losing weight rapidly, causing her to worry. His once muscular and toned figure was being reduced to a wiry body. Radhika had even made an effort to contact Sateesh, the only colleague of his  she knew, to ask if he was being pressurised at work. Sateesh had told her, 'No Radhika. As far as I know, his work load had reduced a lot since he arrested mafia leader Razak and brought him before the court. And of course, that is why he has been able to take holidays at a moment's notice for your little rendezvouz vacation. He has taken atleast 10 vacations in the past 6 months if I recall correctly. Where all have you guys visited? Raghu won't talk. Oops, Radhika, got to go. Talk to you soon. Bye.' Sateesh had hung up quickly as she sensed Sateesh's and Eeswari's 9 month old baby boy crying in the background.
Radhika was relieved that she didn't have to answer Sateesh's questions as she had no idea about these mini vacations Raghu was going on.
Sighing, she closed her eyes, leaning her head on to the window rails, droplets of rain grazing her tired face.


Raghu stirred in his sleep. A thunder woke him up from his deep slumber. He looked up, momentarily disoriented, to find himself inside his Jeep Wrangler. He was parked outside his apartment building. He had no clue when he had arrived there or how he had managed to fall asleep in the car.
He fished out his hip flask,  from his pocket and took a big swig of the hard liquor filled inside the flask.
He climbed out of his vehicle and started dragging himself towards the entrance of the building. He didn't care that he was getting completely drenched. It seemed like he couldn't function like a normal person anymore.
After the first note he received from Revathy, he was totally perplexed. Soon, he started getting notes on a weekly basis. The notes were always written on a teasing tone and were left at ridiculous places, like taped to his apartment and office doors it on his car windshield.
When he could take it anymore, he started investigating the missing of Revathy. He started visiting and investigating in cities where Radhika had friends and relatives. He lied to his colleagues that he was going on vacations with his wife.
He couldn't pay enough attention to Radhika anymore. Her face was a constant reminder of the existence of Revathy and he avoided and ignored her as much as possible.
And as much as Raghu wanted to set her free with the divorce she had asked for, he couldn't do it without hurting himself and the others who loved him and Radhika.

He found solace in getting drunk and doing drugs. He knew it was highly irresponsible for an officer serving such a prestigious position in the Indian Police Department but he just couldn't help it. His missing ex girlfriend was harassing him and he had feelings for his wife that he couldn't express.
He was losing his mind.
He rang the bell to his apartment and waited. Radhika opened the door, looking as beautiful and innocent as she always did. But he chose to ignore her by pushing past her. He walked into their bedroom and lied down on the bed waiting for sleep to engulf him like an old friend as Radhika stared at him with concern from the doorway.

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