9| Wine For The Wedding

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"When are you going back to work?"

The question asked him off guard as Sans pause from washing the dishes before looking over at Wine, who was a few feet is away from him. Humming in thought, Sans was taken aback by the question as he processes what the other had said.

"Dunno." Shrugging, he turned back to the chore he was doing whilst whistling a soft tune under his breath. "I have enough money in my bank account to support me and Lav for maybe 10 more years or so."

It was true. Working as a scientist and at the same time, a judge, back then pays well thus leaving him a lot of savings.

"So, I don't know myself when I will go back to work. Eh, I'm pretty lazy anyways. Maybe I will just go back to work when Lav is in high school?" He jokingly states. Placing the plate inside the dish rack nearby, Sans wipes his hand using a small towel before turning back to Wine.

Snorting, Wine rose a brow at him as he gestures to him. "Sans, you should be planning your future more and not just go to work when Lav is in high school. If you had blown through your savings at that time than you would've had a hard time yourself."

"Pfft—that is not what I meant, bud." Sans snickers as Wine hadn't realize that what he had said was a joke. "And yes, yes. I know." Brushing it off, he walks over to the counter, where he had started wrapping up the left-over food.

"Well, I can always just give you money to support Lavender." Wine remarks, in a tone that was nowhere near sarcasm nor mockery.

Pausing, he glanced over at the taller with confusion upon his face. "Wine. I am not going to just take your money." He lazily stated in a quite serious tone as Sans took ahold of the containers of leftovers that he had packed before walking towards the direction of the refrigerator.

As much as Sans is a lazy bone, he never really did want to owe or depend on anyone, mostly on a financial factor of course.

"You are not 'taking' it per se, you are simply 'accepting' it." Wine corrected him as the other opened the fridge for him—what? He said 'financially' not at household chores—making it so Sans can just put the food in it, easily.

"Still." He snorted as Sans shuts the fridge close. "I am not going to accept your money."

"Why not? I care for Lavender as much as you do and hope he can have a wonderful future ahead of him."

"Well yeah, but here's the difference. I am his mom, you are his..." Trailing off as Sans wasn't sure what Wine exactly is to his son, he shook his head. "You are his uncle who has no blood relation to him." He finished for himself.

"You do know that by saying that, you are saying I am his 'guardian', right?" The taller pointed out with the wide grin upon his lips never even once faltering.

Stopping still from those words, Sans snorted as he cannot even say no to that. Glancing at Wine, he lets out a breath.

"I just really can't accept your money, you have no responsibly over Lavender and not to mention the fact that you have no family relation to him—"

"Then marry me,"

Pausing from those words, the eyelights in his eye sockets have disappeared as Sans looks at the other with an incredulous expression on his face.


Wine simply shrugs as he gestured to himself. "You said I have no family relations to Lavender, so if I marry you than that will mean I will have them now."


'That was so stupid but shit, he is right.'

"Uhm... bud? Don't you think you are thinking too forward here?" He gulps as he really hopes to himself that the latter was joking.

"Nope?" Blinking at him, Wine showed no sense of humor in his voice nor expressions. —I mean he is smiling, does that count? Wait no he is always smiling. —making Sans more nervous than ever.

Trying to reason with the taller, he said. "We aren't even dating."

"Would you like to date me then?"

"...Uhm... dude you can't just—" Facepalming himself, Sans snorted as he shakes his head. "Fine, I will except your money..."

Brightening at that, Wine smiled sweetly at him.



"You got how much fucking what now?"

Lust said in a surprised tone as he leaned over the table with interest written in his eyes.

"Yup." Sans sighed. Not really wanting to mention the generosity that Wine had given him once again as he was sure himself that saying it out loud is a crime itself.

After meeting up with Lust once again, Sans has resumed their previous friendship with him thus how Lust is now over at his house and having a cup of coffee with him.

"So... what's with this Wine guy, is he your boyfriend or something?"

Choking on his drink at that question, Sans cleared his throat as he places down the beverage. "Nope, he has just been my friend since I moved here." Wiping the liquid that was dripping down his chin using the sleeve of his jacket, he shrugs his shoulders. "He helped me a lot with the whole taking care of a baby thing that I guess he got attached to Lav too after spending time here almost every day."

"Do you like him?" The other was quick to ask.

Almost hitting over the mug from the sudden question, he tried to not choke on his drink.


"You sure? That reaction sure was something~"

"Lust... no."


I'm moving the updates to Saturday for I have been incredibly busy with school thus why I cannot find the time to write more.

992 words.

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