Side Story| New Home, New Life And... Neighbor? [2/2]

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Sans blinks.

Once, twice before...


"Long time no see."

The other hummed back at him.

It was kind of weird. When he first met the other it was like a dream of some kind or a memory that he wasn't sure was real or not but seeing the other right now, in front his very eyes, made the memory more clearer in his head.

The other was wearing a white button up shirt under a black leather jacket, some skinny jeans and those damn red heeled boots but what caught Sans attention was that the other was holding a basket in his hand filled with fruits.

"Why are you carrying that basket?" Sans ask with a raised brow.

"A welcoming gift." Wine simply stated as he lifted the basket to him.

Sans looks down at it, his mind processing what is happening before it clicks.

"Wait, your my neighbor?"

"Correct." Wine smiled.


The other's attention went to the baby in his arms. Lavender blinks at the skeleton before him, hands reaching out to Wine.

Wine looks down at the baby with a confused look.

"Uh, sorry about that."

Sans awkwardly cleared his throat as he tried to stop Lavender from falling as the small skeleton was leaning for Wine's touch.

"No, it's alright," Wine made a gesture to Lavender. "May I?"

Reluctantly, Sans nodded and carefully handed Lavender to the other - who was leaning down because of the height difference - while at the same time taking the basket from the other's hand.

It was weird, feeling like he was giving away his child when in reality he only let the other carry Lavender.

"You might as well come in as well." Sans said as he step back to let the other in.

This will be interesting he guess.



Sans said offering Wine some rosemary tea as the other was sitting on his couch with Lavender in their arms.

"Yes please."

He nodded putting the tea on the coffee table before sitting next to Wine.

"What's his name?" The other asked, as he was cradling the other in his arms.

"Lavender." He answered while taking a sip from his tea.

"It's a beautiful name."

He grinned. "I know..."


There was it again the same comfortable silence that always hang around them when he first met Wine.

He glance at the other seeing Wine humming a small tune as he cradled Lavender in his arms, the small baby looking as though they were about to fall asleep.

Wow, even he can't make Lavender sleep that fast.

"You look like you've done this before.."

Sans caught himself saying.

"Yeah," The other chuckled softly. "I was the one who raised my brother."

He hummed at that. "Where is he now?"

"Living his life, he just graduated with a master's degree and is now looking for a job." Wine said fondly.

"You must be proud of him."

"I am," Wine smiled before glancing at Sans. "I've been meaning to ask..."


"Where's the other one?"

That small simple question made him froze as memories hit him hard. Thoughts were racing trough his mind as he was in shambles not knowing what to do or say but before he can bury himself deeper into his mind, a voice spoke up.


He blinks seeming to get out of his trance as he felt something on his hand.

Sans looks down seeing a hand on his, he glance up meeting one lone red eyelights.


"You alright?" The other visibly frowns at him with a worried look in his eyes.


He was at lost for words. Stars, how should he explain this!

"You don't have to answer..." The other said firmly squeezing his hand.

He blinks before shaking his head as a grin made it's way onto his face.


"No problem."

The sound of soft snoring made the two skeletons look down at Wine's arms seeing that the small child had fallen asleep.

Sans softly laughs. "Well, I'll be taking him now."

"Of course." Wine hummed as he gently prompt the sleeping baby up so the baby's head was now resting on Wine's neck.

Sans put his hand under his child's armpits before gently taking them away from Wine only to stop short when he was unable to do so.

"Uh... Wine?"


"My kid won't let go of you."

Sans pointed out as Lavender was holding Wine's shirt with a death grip.

"Here I'll try," Wine put his free hand on the baby's hand trying to make it let go of his shirt only for Lavender to stir in his sleep making both skeletons stop still.

"I'll be assuming that it's hard for you to make him fall asleep isn't it?"


"And that Lavender here is a light sleeper?"


Wine sighed but chuckled.

"It seems I'll be here for a while than?"

Sans chuckled.



Am I the only one who feels really relaxed when Wine and Sans talk?

They don't even have to talk just like be right next to each other and everything is just so fucking peaceful.

855 words.

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