2| Blazing Stars

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Sans frowns down at his phone seeing another warning of an out of bounds of the reality doings in the area. Either there really was a mess in the timeline or Ink was just messing around with the save files again, stars dammit Ink.

Now speaking of Ink, he really hasn't been going to any of the multi-void mansion parties that Ink kept sending him invitations on. Even though he has changed his number by almost 2 times this past few years, the other always seemed to be able to get his number and be able to give out these invitations. Sans sometimes wonders if it was because the other was a deity or because of some Sans who has this random ability to pinpoint people out and their numbers—which isn't a bad conclusion seeing multiple universes means multiple realities of randomness.

Tapping on his phone, Sans checks up upon the couple of texts he has gotten from the deity after all these years.

You are invited to the multi-void mansion's party; I will shove you towards the fun and smash your face on some cakes. [The text was in rainbow colors, complete with the picture of Ink shoving Error's face down on some cake.]

EYYY MACARENA!!! AssorrytoErrorforsmashinghisfaceuntosomecakeslastyeareventhoughI'mnotsorry, we are going to have a Spanish-Latin-y (Stars, I hope that doesn't sound racist.) Undernovela themed party! UnderNovela!sans a.k.a. Sol, you must come or else your dust will be spread out on some rainbow cakes! =) [Sans wasn't sure if that was a death threat from Ink to Sol or that Horror helped Ink come up with this invite/messages.]

DON'T BE SILLY AND WRAP YOUR WILLY. This year's party will happen in a bar in Underlust! Don't worry we rent out the club, so the other lust monsters who Lust wouldn't invite will not be there. (I hope.) P. S. Lust said to make sure to bring some protection, their alcohol is as he says 'will make you do the most questionable things with Grillby's hardcore whiskey~' Another P.S, Error doesn't know we are going to UnderLust so no one better tell him!

Sans snickers as he saw these messages and how much things escalated quickly. He never bothers to respond to them seeing they are all just invites to the party. – and the crippling fear of his that Blue could know that this number of his is what he is actively using right now, and be able to contact him seeing the other is friends with Ink.— but seeing the invite to the party for this year, he thinks he's screwed.

Classic, you haven't been going to this parties for 5 years straight, and I know you aren't dead cause your code is still functioning. Come to the party or else you'll be force by me dragging your unconscious (maybe almost dead even) body to the party~!

Sans gulps, seeing the death threat that was directed to him from the said deity. He is pretty sure Ink won't kill him seeing he is the original, he hopes anyways.

Sighing, he looks over at the clock just on the ceiling before noticing the time. Looking back on the child by the table who was eating breakfast, he felt a grin making its way upon his lips while his eyes feign some tenderness.

If Ink ever really did force him to go to that party, he really does have to get Lavender out of the house when that happens, huh?



They were the things that Lavender never really like the picture of, there were the smell of alcohol and medicine hanging throughout the air, the feeling of crippling sadness along with hope that was slowly breaking down that he can never place. He had gotten used to it though from being in this place a lot of times but still, it doesn't mean he was okay with it.

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