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To those who actually stayed and is reading this, Thank you like I would have probably lost motivation along the way if I didn't kept rereading your comments on my last book.

And if you are new here and don't know about my 1st book, it's fine.

You don't really need to read the first one to understand this but there are a bit jokes here that is a reference to the first book so yeah lol.


This book may contain:

• Time skips, tons of unnecessary confusing times skips (Ihaveaproblemiknow)

• A LOT of swearing

• Sexual innuendos, acts and tension

• Underage Drinking

• Mental health Issues including: Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Impostor Syndrome, and Inferiority complex ( I gave a character mental health issues and stress to better understand them and this happened lol. )

• I have OCs but just SHIP CHILDREN (I know some people who hate OCs are out there but don't worry they will only be the kids.)

• Some illegal shit

• Offensive Jokes (gay, religion and others.)

• Racism (humans are assholes in general.)

I won't put some warnings for it might spoil the book and if someone tries to guess in the comments I will not reply to those ones.

I don't own anything except the cover and the story itself.

Undertale belongs to Toby Fox

Underfell belongs to The Undertale Community

UnderSwap belongs to Popcornpr1nce

Outertale belongs to 2mi127

Fellswap gold belongs to Jot/ Blackggggum

Well then I hope you guys enjoy the book!

UPDATES: 2 times a weeks, every Monday and Friday (First 2 chapters isn't included cause fucking shit the schedule will happen next week.)

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