Chapter 12: Just when you thought you were safe...

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Over the last few days of the week, Castiel had continued to spy on me, and I did my best to stay as far away from Lysander as possible; although, I KNEW it would only cause more trouble for me. I wasn't exactly sure when or how Lysander was going to punish me for this, but I didn't really think about it too much. (My mistake.....)

I was more focused on my date with Nathaniel that weekend. *My date...? Did I just call it a date? Uh-oh... N-Nevermind that! Just focus on being happy!* Yes, I'll admit it; the thought of spending some time with Nathaniel made me happy. Just a nice, quiet day with a nice, quiet boy. Perfect.

Before I knew it, the weekend finally came. I had finished up ALL my homework, and was now ready to relax and enjoy the next two days. I woke up Saturday morning feeling happy and at peace; something that didn't come often in my life. Not anymore.

I got up and dressed, and spent the rest of my morning like I usually would; ate breakfast, watched a little TV, etc. Around noon, I left my apartment and made my way to the park. As soon as I arrived, I saw Nathaniel sitting on a park bench not too far from where I was standing. He looked up and noticed me, then smiled and waved. I did the same, then sat on the bench next to him.

"Hi, Nathaniel!"

"Hi Julia. How are you today?"

"I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm doing well. Actually, even better, now that you're here."

I couldn't help but blush when he said that.


Nathaniel said nothing, just stared at me for a moment, smiling sweetly.

"What?!" I spoke, breaking the silence. His stare was getting to me. "Oh, nothing...." He replied shyly, looking away for a second before looking back at me. "It's're so cute when you blush like that." As soon as I heard that, I froze. Nathaniel was sitting there next to me, smiling (and blushing -w-), and telling me I was cute. I mean, how was I going to respond to that?! *#O.O#*

Luckily, I didn't have to. Nathaniel saw my expression and chuckled. "Are you ok? I'm sorry." I looked away and replied "Um,'s ok." He stood up and held his hand out. "Shall we go for a walk then?" "Um, sure...." I said quietly and took his hand, standing up as well.

We walked around the park for a while and chatted, holding hands the whole time. Call me crazy, but I could've sworn someone was following us. Every few minutes, I would hear a noise, but when I turned to look, no one was there. The noises stopped after a while though *thank goodness...*, so nothing more was thought on the subject.

Unfortunately, Nathaniel caught me looking back. "Is....something back there?" I looked at him. "What?" He hesitated for a moment before continuing. "'s just that you've been checking behind you for a while now. Is everything ok?" I looked away and replied "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

Nathaniel sighed, but said nothing as we continued walking. We had only taken a few steps before he spoke again. "When?" I suddenly became confused. "What do you mean?" He looked at me, a slightly sad expression on his face.

"When are you going to tell me what you're really thinking? You always say 'It's nothing', but I know it isn't. Why won't you tell me anything?" I looked away again, staying silent. Nathaniel stopped walking, stopping me with him. "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Why won't you let me protect you?"

I stayed silent for another moment before replying "It's.....complicated." I then looked at him. "But I can tell you why I was looking back there. I think someone was following us...I heard noises....." He looked back before looking at me again. "Oh, you heard those too? I thought it was just me.....but do you really think someone was following us?" I nodded. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I'm not sure who it was though..."

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