Chapter 3: Triple Trouble

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The next day, I was heading towards my history class for 5th period, but I was too deep in thought about my schedule for that day (I'm a very organized person...) that I wasn't really paying attention. I was almost at the classroom door when someone stepped in front of me and then *BAM!* Suddenly, I was on the floor, my homework and textbooks scattered everywhere. "Hey, why don't you watch where you're going you klutz!" I looked up to see a blonde girl and two other girls on either side of her. "Um, I'm sorry..." I started to say, but then the blonde girl interrupted "You'd better stay out of our way or you'll regret it! Wouldn't she, girls?" The other girls nodded and grinned with delight. "See you, loser!" The three girls walked off, and I quickly picked up my homework and textbooks and then went to class.

I was so puzzled at what happened that I just couldn't pay attention in class no matter how much I tried. "...and that's what happened right after the constitution was written. And Julia, if you don't mind, please stop staring at the cover of your textbook and try to pay attention!" The teacher was slightly annoyed at me. I replied, "Yes, sir" but I still couldn't, even if I wanted to. I was so glad when class was over because I would get to eat lunch and relax a little. I sat at an empty table, as usual. Ken came up to me and shouted "HEY JULIA-CHAMA! WHATSUP!" "GO AWAY KEN!" I yelled back, and he instantly ran away, crying. I just wasn't in the mood to put up with him today. *Oh god, now I'm gonna have to apologize to him later...*

Then Nathaniel walked up to my table and sat down next to me. "All by yourself?" He asked with a look of concern on his face. "It's alright, I'm used to this." I replied to him. "Oh, and I thought about you're offer. Sure, I'd love to go to the library with you." I had nothing better to do, and I felt bad for what happened yesterday, so I wanted to make up for it. "Really? Ok, we can go as soon as you're done eating." I looked at my full plate and sighed. "Well then, I guess we can go now." I replied, standing up.

"What? But, you haven't eaten anything...are you ok?" His face showed real concern now. "Yes, I'm fine. I'm just not hungry today, that's all." I hated lying to such a nice guy, but I didn't really want him to know about the "event" earlier. "I still insist that you eat something. Starvation isn't good for your health, you know." He gestured me to sit down again. I did as he said because I was too...I don't even know what I was, mixed emotions, you know? Confusion, depression, I was upset.

Anyway, I sat down and ate until he was convinced I wasn't going to starve. We both went to the library afterward, and the whole time we just paced around, Nathaniel was talking enthusiastically about his favorite books and why they were his favorite, while I was just following him listening and trying my best to pay attention. *But still, who are those girls from earlier and what would they do to me if I bother them again?* I got lost in my own thoughts yet again. " you see, that's why mystery novels excite me.....Julia?"

We stopped walking and he turned to face me. "Huh? What is it?" I said to him, and he gave me that look of concern again. "Are you sure you're ok? You've been acting like this the whole time we've been here." To that, I played dumb with him. "Acting like what?" He replied "You've just been following me silently, looking depressed. What's on your mind?" And then I lied to him once again "I just don't really like books, that's all..." "Oh, really? I'm sorry, am I boring you? We can go somewhere else if you'd like." "That's ok, class is going to start again soon anyway. I really did like spending time with you, but if I don't go now I'll be late. I'll see you later Nathaniel." And with that, I walked off. "No, wait. Julia!" He called out to me, but I was already gone, and he still had his suspicions about whether or not I was "ok" like I had told him.

Since I took forever to get ready for P.E., I was running late for class. (literally) I ran as fast as I could to get to class on time, but on my way there I bumped into someone. "Ow...I'm sorry, I-" I looked up and saw that same blonde girl and her friends that I bumped into earlier. *Oh no..* "Oh, look, it's that klutz again! Didn't I tell you to stay out of my way?!" I quickly turned to run, but the blonde grabbed a hold of my ponytail and yanked me backwards. Her friends held me back as she slapped me as hard as she could, which left a huge, bright red mark on my face. Her friends then shoved me away and I slammed into the lockers. Hard. They all laughed and walked away with a look of accomplishment on their faces. My body was aching all over from my little slam into the lockers, not to mention the pain added from the slap to my face. I didn't feel like going to P.E. class like this, all I wanted to do was go home. I started towards the main entrance of the school. I turned a corner and saw Nathaniel walking in my direction. *Why does this sort of thing always happen?* He suddenly stopped, and looked at me, and I figured it's because he saw my face. I quickly covered the slap mark on my face with my hand, looked away and continued walking, but as I tried to hurry past him, he grabbed my shoulders with his hands and asked "Julia, what's wrong? Why are you covering your face?" His voice was filled with worry.

"It's nothing." I replied, and started again towards the door, but he didn't move. "It's not "nothing", let me see." Nathaniel took my hand from my face and saw the slap mark. He stared at me for a moment with a look of worry and concern, and then put his hand up to my face and asked "Does it hurt?" "Not really..." The truth was, it DID hurt. A lot. The lies must have been pretty obvious, because he asked "Why do you keep doing that?" "Doing what?" I replied, playing dumb with him. "Why do you push me away like that?"

I stared at him, surprised at his question. "I know you're lying to me, I can see right through you. You were acting really strange today. You left me there at the library when I was calling for you, and even earlier you didn't eat anything until I said something. Not to mention you were sitting there by yourself." To that, I muttered while still looking away "That part's not really abnormal..." When I said that, he looked at me with sad eyes. "Julia..."

He threw his arms around me and pulled me as close to him as he could. I just stood there in his arms, shocked. I didn't know what to do or say, but then he spoke to me while still clutching me tightly. "You don't have to be alone. I'll protect you." When he said this, I slowly fitted my arms around his neck, and closed my eyes, I was nearly crying. I didn't know what else to do. We just stood there for at least a minute, and then he let go, saying "I'll talk to her for you." He smiled at me and then walked off. *Talk to who? Did he know that girl I bumped into earlier?* Anyway, I was just too exhausted to care. I continued walking until I reached the courtyard.

As soon as I stepped outside, Castiel (who was still standing by that tree, might I add) quickly turned his head to look in my direction and smiled when he saw me. *What, does this guy just stand there and wait for me every day?* "Hey, slim. You didn't bump into any doors today, did you?" he asked me with that sarcastic smile of his. I rolled my eyes at him and continued walking. As I approached him, he noticed the slap mark that was still on my face and his smile faded. *Yeah. She slapped me that hard.* He came up to me and grabbed my shoulder, turning me to him so that he could see my face.

"Hey, what happened here? Geez, slim, I was just kidding when I asked you if you bumped into anything." He reached out to touch my face, but I slapped his hand away. "Don't worry, I'm fine." I assured him. "Are you sure?" He questioned me. "Yes, I'm fine. I promise." I REassured him. "Ok then..." He walked back to the tree, but I got the feeling he didn't believe me. By the time I got home, I was so exhausted that when my head touched my pillow, I instantly fell asleep. *What a long day...*

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