Chapter 5: A New Day, A New Club

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For the next few days, I've been more focused on school than anything else. Even so, I've managed to become friends with a few girls from my class. Iris became my best friend; It turns out we're in a lot of the same classes. She was a really good friend too; she gave me great advice, helped me on homework, and cheered me up when I needed it. And apparently, I was the only person who was willing to listen to her endless discussions. I didn't mind because I don't talk much anyway. *Yay, I finally have friends!*

I was at my locker one morning gathering the materials needed for algebra class when the principal walked up to me. "Good morning, Julia. How are you today?" I replied by saying "I'm fine. How are you?" She smiled and said "I'm doing well today, thank you." She then handed me a piece of paper. "I am required to inform you that everyone must choose an extra-curricular club to join. This is the fill-out sheet for the club options. Please fill this out by the end of the day." With that, she turned on her heel and walked away. I carefully examined the fill-out sheet that she gave me, only to find two club choices. I flipped the page over, but the backside was blank. *Two choices...really?*

The only two choices given to me were the basketball club and the gardening club, neither of which I was interested in. I had a little time left before class, so I tried to make a decision. I just stood there, staring at the paper when someone came up from behind me and snatched it out of my hands. I looked over and saw Castiel check off one of the boxes and place the paper back into my hands. "There." I looked at the paper again and saw that the basketball club was checked off. I turned to him and shouted "Wha- you can't do that!" He just grinned at me and said "Too bad, Slim. I just did." and started to walk away when I said "I don't even like sports, and I have no idea how to play basketball!" He looked over his shoulder and said to me, "Then I'll teach you, Slim, but don't think for even a second that I'll let you waste your time in the gardening club." With that, he walked off, leaving me to deal with it. I scowled as I dropped the note off at the student council room and went to class.

After the next few classes were over, it was finally time for lunch. Iris and I sat together at an otherwise-empty table, as usual. She told me all about her first half of the day, and in return I told her about mine, but I left out my little encounter with Castiel earlier. I was hoping to avoid the subject, but I knew it would come up eventually. Sure enough, not long afterward, she started talking about the school clubs. She told me that she picked the gardening club, and when she asked me what club I picked, I said with a somewhat angry tone "The basketball club". She must have noticed my tone, because she asked me "What's wrong?"

I quickly changed my tone and replied "Um....nothing. It's fine." Unfortunately, Iris is VERY persistent. No matter how much I tried to change the subject, she kept insisting that I tell her what happened. Eventually, I gave in and told Iris everything. She just scowled and said, "That guy is just so rude. Honestly, Castiel shouldn't be making your decisions for you." I wanted to argue her on that, but regardless of the way she made it sound, that didn't make it any less true. I just sat there in silence and finished my lunch as Iris continued talking non-stop. After I was done, I got up, threw my trash away and left, Iris following behind me.

The rest of the day wasn't all that different from any other day. I attended all my class, made some more small talk with Iris and my other friends, and even ran into Amber and her gang. They did nothing more than shove me away, but hey, that's better than getting slapped in the face any day, right? Anyway, after school was over, I stepped out onto the courtyard and started to walk home when a familiar voice called out to me. "Hey Slim, you forgettin something?" I turned to see Castiel. I looked at him, confused. "What?" He rolled his eyes at me and said "Basketball club. I'm not just gonna let you walk out on me that easily." I suddenly realized that I now had an after-school club to go to. "Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, I forgot." I apologized. "Uh-huh. Let's go, missy." Castiel grabbed my arm and dragged me with him to the gym.

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