*Not A Chapter* About BakuDeku

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Hello, Deku the admin is here. I just wanted to bring this up because I've seen a lot of people talking about it, and frankly, I'm tired of the negativity. This is about BakuDeku. I'm going to try and summarize this as best as I can, but, let people love them like that. I know that canonly, in a certain viewpoint it can be a toxic relationship and in real life, it can be too! But, that's why this is an anime.

Just because you support that kind of ship, doesn't mean that you automatically support that kind of thing in real life. Some people, like myself, love it because it would be cute if Bakugo changed or if it just looks cute in general because they had their differences, but changed in the end! There aren't any rules that state you aren't allowed to like this certain ship, whether good or bad! It's basically saying that someone isn't allowed to like peanut butter because to you don't like it yourself! We all have our own likes and dislikes!

Stop gnawing at each other about which relationships are better than the other and which ones shouldn't even be a thing. I'm sure, we only ship people like this because it's a fictional world where what we think and prefer won't affect the outcome of the story and characters in their canon world! Any sane, right person wouldn't ship two people who are in a toxic relationship in real life, but in a fictional world, anything can go because anything can happen!

I support basically most ships, whether I like it or not, because that's what I like to do! I like to have people be at peace with each other and settle their differences to find the good in each other! I don't want to be that one person who doesn't like this, so I just reject that person and hate them for that one sole reason. Just like what people did between characters who are siblings, relatives, friends, or even people who they don't even know! They ship them because it's something that they find cute, attractive, or whatever reason!

For example: I don't really like KiriBaku, DekuBaku, or DekuTodo! It's just not my cup of tea! But am I gonna go bully someone who makes content for those particular ships? No! Why would I use my time bullying someone for a ship that I don't care for/like? Why should I? Because I don't like it myself? Well, that's a shitty excuse. And you know what, there are some cute ass stuff out there for those ships and many others ones I don't like, but I still like the content that people create, because it's just that amazing to see how many people have joined this group of a certain ship to make more content!

You shouldn't hate people who like BakuDeku and relationships like that because that ship doesn't define them! It's just what they prefer! Sure, it is toxic in a sense that Bakugo did such horrible things to Midoriya, but that doesn't mean that people can't dream and imagine the possibilities.

I've seen so many ships that get a lot of positive attention, but I think is in the same situation as BakuDeku. Such as NaruSasu, or NarutoXSasuke. Sasuke tried countless times to kill Naruto, and he even threatened the entire Leaf Village, but people still ship them. Now, I know they made up and became friends in the end, but we can't just assume Bakugo and Midoriya won't do the same when they grow older! I'm not saying that people should hate that ship because of what I said, but just think about it: why spend your time ranting, hating, and shaming people who like BakuDeku, when you could be trying to find what similarities you have to other people that you might've rejected because of that ship?

There is almost no right or wrong when it comes to fictional relationships because, they're fictional! They're fake! Why hate someone for something that might not happen in the real world and the fandom?!

And bringing that up, what if BakuDeku does come true? Does that mean you'll hate My Hero Academia for that? It'll mean you'll hate Horikoshi too, and all the people who support him and the anime. Think about what you may cause in the future, rather than putting people down about it now and feeling better about your selfish self. Sorry if I sound bitter and harsh, but I'm tired of seeing people fight over something like this when it's so easy to find a way to push them aside.

Each person is different, let them be different. If you choose to not let people like BakuDeku, or hate it and say you don't want to socialize with people who like that ship, then you take away the one reason why each person is on Earth: the reason to be unique.

Honestly, I believe that there is no good reason that haters have come up with to bully another person, content creator, etc. All I see is just bullshit nonsense that they're being petty about! And hell, you can rant all you want about how you don't like the ship, feel free to because it's your own opinion, no one should stop you on that. However, this isn't the case for attacking other people about it and saying that they're "pedophiles," that they "support toxic relationships," and more. Fuck off. If you're only bringing that into the fandom, then you might as well just leave, because as much as there are haters out there who will band together, there are more people out there who will defend the victim.

No type of bullying is rightful in my book.

And hey! If you hate me because of this, then fine! I'll take all that hate! If it means saving someone else from having the feeling of guilt and rejection on their shoulders, then I'll gladly take it. If you truly love a fandom, then you'll respect the things other people do in that fandom.

And if you want to rant to me how stupid and how sick I am, then fine, do it.

I. Fucking. Dare. You.

I'm tired of seeing people hurt and seeing their content stop or vanish because of other's selfishness and oblivion to the damage they inflict upon others. Those are the people that you should hate, the ones that selfishly hurt others to make their point stand. If you do that, you're no better than a heartless villain. Hell, you might even stoop to Bakugo's level when he was heartlessly bullying Midoriya when they were kids, like how all the haters so love to shove into people's faces.

I'll gladly shield others from the hate those people throw at people like me.

Because meddling when you don't have to, is the true essence of a hero.

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