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Third Person POV

"Young Midoriya. Come in. Lock the door and have a seat." All Might addressed the boy who peeked in through the door. He had been called here, but they didn't give a reason why; this worried Midoriya.

"What is it?" Midoriya asked as he entered, closed and locked the door, as told, behind himself, then took a seat. He looked around at the people in front of him: All Might, Aizawa Sensei, Principal Nezu, Endeavor, Midnight, Gran Torino, Recovery Girl, and some other person who Midoriya didn't recognize.

"We've called you here to address your current situation." Those words from Aizawa was enough to send chills down Midoriya's spine. He swallowed once then nods slightly.

"This is Mimic. He's a secret, undercover pro hero. He will be the main key to this whole situation apart from you, Midoriya." Gran Torino started. "You see, Mimic's quirk is called Mimicry; it allows him to mimic almost any quirk that he can see with his own eyes. Right now, Mimic is the only person alive with this kind of quirk. And, he's mastered many quirks. One of which is Time Travel." He explained briefly.

This information made Midoriya's eyes widen as he knew exactly what was going to happen.

"We would like to ask you if you would want to have Mimic here perform Time Travel and send you back three years ago, the night you were captured?" Nezu asked him, careful of his word choice.

"We understand that you had been captured for three years and that it was a painful experience to go through, for anyone. But know that Time Travel isn't as easy as it sounds. There will be consequences in the past, to yourself and to the future, of course." Nezu continued, there was sympathy in his voice as Midoriya looked down at his hands, his green curls darkening his face and hiding his eyes from the pro heroes.

"All of the teachers of U.A. have agreed to let you choose your own decision. You were stripped of three years of your youth, and we feel like it is our responsibility to give you a say in this decision. Mimic can only perform this quirk once, and since the last user of a time traveling quirk died many years ago, this is your only chance." The Principal explained further, his neutral expression watched the young boy in front of them.

"Please know—" Recovery Girl started but was cut off.

"I'm willing to take my chances. I'll go back." Midoriya said firmly, lifting his head to look at the heroes in front of him, a determined look on his face.

"Are you so sure to make such a decision so quickly?" This time, Mimic spoke. He narrowed his eyes at the green-haired boy as he asked his question.

Midoriya clenched his hands into fists, holding them up slightly. "Yes." Then, he continued. "If it means that I can spend more time with everyone, then yes, I'm willing to go back." He told the teachers. They all seemed somewhat surprised, however, All Might wasn't.

"Midoriya, wait—" Aizawa spoke but Midoriya cut him off too.

"I know. There are many ways that things could go down, but I do want to go back. I may not know everyone or get along with everyone, but I want to use those three years that I missed to get to know everyone better. What kind of a hero am I if I can't get along with my own classmates and friends? I want to spend time with everyone, whether they're good times or not, the time I spend with everyone then will be more important than the time I spend trying to recover and being someone who had gotten kidnapped and couldn't escape. Sure, it sounds like I'm running from these problems, but this is my one chance at going back to fix it; for everyone, for myself, and for you, All Might." Midoriya said calmly and determinedly, smiling to All Might in the end. The other teachers glanced to the former Symbol of Peace.

Falling (Depressed Deku Fanfic) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now