Chapter 33 (69) - Dance with the Demon

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Song: Discord

Artist(s): The Living Tombstone


Bill snapped his fingers, making a long dining table and two chairs on each end appear; one chair was the chair Bill was seen sitting on when you entered the room, another was a (colour) armchair with snowflake design on it.

Bill led you there and let you sit down as he pushed in the chair, then moved towards his seat and finally sat down. "Well then, it's not a lovely evening without dinner right?" without waiting for a response, Bill clapped his hands and out appeared dinner.

In front of you was (main dish of your choice) with (side dish 1) and (side dish 2), not forgetting (soup). Apart from those was a wine glass filled with (choice of drink) in it, there were utensils lined up in front of you, all were without a spec of dirt.

Your eyes scanned through the splendid display of food, then at Bill, "Was this necessary?"

Bill smirked, holding up his glass, "Why, of course. This is a meal fit for a queen, wouldn't you agree?"

"Perhaps." you only said, you picked up a spoon and dipped it in the soup. "I do trust that this isn't poisoned."

"I would never." Bill said, his right hand covering his 'heart'. "Now try and eat."

Without another word, you scooped up a spoon full of soup and placed the content into your mouth. The flavors exploded in your mouth, you moaned with pleasure. "Have to admit, it's good."

"Right." Bill smirked.

You looked away, "Stop reading my mind, I'm trying to enjoy here."



Snapping his fingers the empty dishes in front of you shrink and disappeared, you wiped your mouth with a napkin and placed it back on the table once you're done. You didn't take note of Bill leaving his seat and stood beside you, extending his hand to you, "My lady, may I have this dance?"

You looked at him with a questionable gaze, then grinned, "I don't know how to."

"What a lie, my dear. You learned how to dance at the age of 6, perfect your dancing skills at the age of 8. Went to your first assassination during a party at a ball at the age of 9, killing the target while dancing." Bill said with confidence and smirked, "Explain to me how you are able to not know how to dance a simple waltz."

"You got me there," you smirked, you knew he would do that, in fact, you had a hunch that he would have known much about your life. While it is true that you have a great memory, Bill could have easily accessed them and rewatch them whenever he pleased, picking up details you may have overlooked. "You may."

You placed your hands in his, and got up from your seat, following Bill's lead. Music started to play in the background, you noticed a grand piano at the corner of the room, the black and white keys playing on their own due to Bill's magic.

Automatically, you place your left hand on Bill's shoulder while he placed it on the side of your waist. You may be a 13-year-old teenager, but you sure know a lot more than others do, dancing like this or even wear that dress Bill picked, it's perfectly fine for you.

One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three.

The two of you moved in sync, dancing along with the music, so graceful, so peaceful. Much like one of the nobles dancing at one of their parties, so elegant. But that all hides the darker side of the duet; one a dream demon always ready for world domination, the other a professionally trained assassin always ready to end another's life in a blink of an eye.

Never, ever, judge a book by its cover.

"My lady," Bill broke the peaceful silence. You mummed as a response. "You may not know this, but, I already have the powers of time and space."

"Are you planning on telling me that you're all-powerful now?" you asked, your eyes were closed as you listened to the melody.

"No, not really."

You opened your eyes, your face remained still. "What's the issue?"

There are times Bill or you would decide to cut the small talk and head to the point, this was one of them. For the two of them, it's easily known to each other; by the tone of their voice and their aura. Demons are already known to have that ability, while assassins were trained to sense one's aura to better judge when and where to strike.

"I would like to make a request of you. (Y/N)."

-Major Timeskip-

You sat on the arm of the human throne with your legs crossed and so was your arms, you stared down at the party freak monsters, enjoying their time without a care in the world. This was the fourth day of Bill's world.

Recently, you have gotten word that Dipper has escaped Bill's freakish friends, then when into Mabel's bubble and rescued her from her own dream world, now they were out there planning. Even though you're not sure of it, you can predict that the twins would be planning a plan of attack.

When you and Bill both saw that they escaped from Bill's (so-called) most diabolical trap he has ever created, you couldn't help but burst into laughter, he had so much faith in his creation, that when it failed, his face was basically, speechless.

To add a bonus, Bill is unable to leave the boundaries of Gravity Falls. According to him, there's some sort of forcefield keeping him and the weirdness or madness in. if he wanted to rule the world, he would have to destroy that forcefield.

"My Queen!" you heard Bill calling out to you.

You sighed and touched your key necklace, whispering softly but to Bill, it as loud, like he could hear it beside him, "What is it?"

"Come up to the penthouse suite, I'm sure you would want to be here." Bill said the key's gemstones would light up every time Bill speaks to indicate he is talking.

"Got it." you answered and let go of the key, you got up from your seat and jumped down, landing on the floor perfectly, the monsters all moved out of the way, letting you through without trouble.

By now the monsters all know that you are with Bill and not just any normal meat stack to Bill, but his 'lover' or something as he has shown his friends. There were some who questioned it but you proved them wrong, Bill didn't mind you killing them, as a matter a fact, he enjoyed the show.

You arrived at the penthouse suite Bill showed you before, it was one of the places on the castle Bill created that you like, other than your room and connecting rooms, of course. Everything remained as it was, but there was one thing that was out of place. A frozen golden statue of Ford by the couch.

"Ford!" you ran up to him, of course, he didn't reply because he was still frozen. You noticed a neon blue chain attached to his ankle, then he started to unfreeze.

"Let me go, you insane three-sided--! Wha- (Y/N)-? What is this place?" Ford immediately said as he was unfrozen, he looked around when he took a step forward, he was yanked back due to the chain.

"This-" Before you could answer Ford's question, sounds of the piano was heard, then appeared the dream demon.

"We'll meet again. Don't know where; don't know when. Oh, I know we'll meet again some sunny day." Bill sang as he rose up from beneath, in his triangle form. Bill's eye darted to you for a second while you glared back, then closed his eye again and started. "Keep-"

"Oh stop singing, dorito."

Author's Notes: Sorry for the delayed update, things have been going haywire. There's a bit of a timeline for your character here. Anyways, here's chapter 33. Wow! Things are getting heated up, hope this chapter is interesting! 




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