Chapter 26 (62) - Moving Forward and Changing

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You kept running, dashing in the trees, here and there, fast as lightning. Your early morning 'walks' sure helped a lot. Because this was done daily, you could practically map out the entire forest if you wanted.

"Right now Illumi is in my territory, he may have spied on me for a number of days but I still outnumber his. On another note, it's dark now. You could barely see anything without a source of light, he and I were trained to see in the dark, so I say he might have the upper hand with that. I think I have a pretty good chance." You smirked at the thought.

You stopped at a tree branch, one high enough to see the floor of the forest and other branches. You stood up straight with your right hand on the tree trunk, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes. You listened in on any movement made that's bigger than the twins but smaller than Ford.

Opening your eyes as you noticed one at the ground, near a tree, at the side. "Too far for my daggers to reach... time to use another..."

Your hands reached into your uniform as you searched for a weapon suitable.

"Now Ice Queen, your uniform is now quite magical. The pockets it has can basically store anything you want including your weapons, but, there's a catch. Each pocket is only limited to put in a certain amount of items, so choose wisely." Bill's voice echoed in your mind as the memory played.

That was when you finished making your new uniform and took a quick nature walk, and that was what you came back too. It was great that he did that for you but at the same time. He evaded your privates!

You took out a bow and carried it with your left hand, positioning your right hand and then moved back to the string and aimed. An arrow appeared as your hand moved back, that was another improvement made by Bill.

As you aimed your good eye stayed open as the other closed, your hands moved as you aimed at your target. "Now, I have to aim carefully. One shot is all I've got. He would know where I am once I shot the arrow, so I got to move as soon as the arrow is released."

You exhaled as the arrow was released, you acted quickly as you bolted forward, using the winds of the arrow to hide your swift movement. In a glance, you saw that the arrow missed his by a few millimetres, but it did cause damage to his shoulder.

You landed on another branch, never losing eye contact. Your eyes narrowed as he stepped out into the open, your eyebrow raised. "What is he doing?"

Illumi sighed and raised his arms, announcing, "(Y/N), this has gone on long enough. Stop your games and return home."

Remaining silent, you continued to watch what he has to say and do. You didn't make any sudden movements or react in any way, after all, this could be a way to know where you are hiding.

"Hmm, you didn't fall for that. Well, at least you didn't forget your trainings as an assassin." Illumi said to himself, practically.

He suddenly shot needles at your direction, at this point you would have to move, there was no choice in the matter. So you did. You landed in the clearing, in front of Illumi. The moonlight shined on the two of you, giving both of you clean sight of each other.

You placed your bow away seeing that there would be no use of it now that you are this close to him, you took out your daggers instead, arming yourself and preparing for his upcoming attacks.

Then it happened, it began. The two of you attacked each other, sometimes dodging the attacks or attacking, either way, each side got their chances of attacking. Either of you allowed each other the time to hide under the darkness of the forest, so both of you kept each other busy.

And finally, it happened, Illumi pinned you down with his needles. He sat on your stomach so you wouldn't be able to get up or reach for some weapons in your pockets, you glared at him as you tried every way possible to get out of this situation.

"Would you calm down." Illumi complained with his dull eyes and voice.

You stopped and stared at him, your eyes twitching and half open, plus an eyebrow raised. You lost count of how much you did that. Then you said as you rolled your eyes, "Oh sure thing, of course. How about I just kill everyone I met in this town and go back to my job without any other concerns."

"You would?" Illumi said you think you saw a few sparkles around him.

You sighed and lowered your head, shadow covering your eyes. Then you started chuckling to yourself, and it burst into a burst of full-on laughter. Illumi stared at you like you lost it.

Suddenly, you turned back to your assassin self. All life was lost in your eyes as you stated, "Like hell, I would. You can go ahead and dream."

Illumi was taken back as he flinched, you narrowed your eyes as you took this chance to break free of his hold. You kicked him off of you and got up as soon as he was off of you, you landed on the forest ground with your right hand and knee on the ground, your left hand on your left knee.

Your eyes scanned the first for Illumi's movement. Then came three needles heading straight for your head, forehead. You carelessly moved aside, avoiding the needles without effort.

You smirked, "Think that's going to do?"

Illumi stepped into the moonlight as he hand fell to his side, "Your old self is showing..."

"Aw, I missed you too." You smiled sweetly and then your smile twisted and you threw daggers at Illumi without aiming. Illumi jumped to dodge it, then raised his hand with four needles between his fingers, prepared to throw them at you.

You cocked your head to the side, a grin on your face as you dropped your dagger to the ground. "Take your best shot..."

Illumi continuously threw his needles at you as you danced around to avoid being hit, you even close your eyes as you moved around, you were dancing with your eyes closed and a sick smile on your face in a rain of needles. You caught them and placed them in your little pouch at the side of your uniform.

Soon enough, all the needles he brought was in your pouch. You stood there and took a dramatic bow as you felt Illumi stop, "Thank you for the applause."

You half opened your eyes and smiled at Illumi, you took out a hand full of needles and smiled again, you didn't say anything as you threw them back at him, he dodged most of them but also caught some as well.

The ones he didn't catch was all stuck in the trees, now his clothes were ruined. Illumi stood up straight, staring at you with his dull wide eyes.

Your eyebrows raised as your smirked, "Sorry about your clothes, enjoyed that?"

"Can't say that I have." Illumi stated as he looked at his torn up clothes.

"Aw, that's disappointing. I even danced, sad..." you looked down, making a sad face then smiled at him. "Well, I think it's time to move forward."

Author's Notes: Notice anything special about this chapter? I'll give you a hint, it has to do with the BOLD words. Bye~ 



Do you know what's so special about the BOLD words?

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