Chapter 3 (39) - The Haunted Mansion

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"Welcome to Northwest manor, dorks. Try not to touch anything." Pacifica said as the six of you entered the front door.

Mabel and her friends ran off while you stayed with Dipper.

"Aren't you going to join them?" Dipper asked.

"Oh no. This is not my fine of parties." you said.

"Aaa, if it isn't the man of the hour." you heard a familiar voice said. You saw Preston Northwest and Priscilla Northwest next to each other. "Hopefully you can help us with our little situation before the guest arrives in an hour."

"We'll do our best." Dipper answered.

"Splendid." Preston cheered. "Pacifica, take our guests to the problem room, and um, he's not wearing that is he."

"Is there something wrong with the way Dipper's dressed?" you stepped up and asked. Dipper was looking at something else.

"No, just that this is a very formal party and we want our, um, ghost hunter to wear something fitting." Preston said, trying to find the right words.

"Hope you still remember what I'm capable of, we wouldn't want the Northwest to be Dead-Waste now do we?" you asked with a smirk.

"No, of course not." Preston said he was sweating.

"Good, let's keep it that way." you said, then turning to Dipper. "Come on Dipper, Pacifica's parents are going to get you a new set of clothes."


You were in the 'problem room', in a dressing room while Dipper was still picking a suit to wear.

You took out your treehouse key necklace and whispered. "Bill."

The changing room lost its colour and out came Bill.

"How may I be of service M'lady?" Bill bowed.

"Can you help me get the dress you gave me before, the one at the festival." you said.

"What that? For a formal party?"


"Absolutely not! I'll give you a new one." Bill said then you opened your mouth but Bill continued. "It would have your causal weapons."

"Fine with me then, as long as it could hide weapons." you said.

"Great!" Bill cheered and snapped his fingers. "Check yourself out."

You turned around to look at yourself in the mirror.

[one of the three colours of dresses, if you're a male then you're wearing suits with a (colour) tie

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[one of the three colours of dresses, if you're a male then you're wearing suits with a (colour) tie.]

You were wearing a (colour of dress) dress to your ankle, a long knee length high heel boot. You felt a small knife on both boots.

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