Chapter 2 (38) - Northwest's Pleads

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"This is a disaster, the party's just in 24 hours." cried Priscilla Northwest hiding under the table.

"Surely there's someone who can handle this sort of nonsense-" Preston Northwest said to his wife.

Just then the newspaper fell in front of the Northwest family, revealing the news of Dipper and (Y/N) fighting out a bat. Dipper using a police taser and (Y/N) using her (choice of weapon) standing on the edge of the bell tower fighting a giant bat.

"And I think I know just the person." Preston smirked after seeing the newspaper.

"You're not thinking of asking the Pines are you?" Pacifica asked.

"Not really, mostly (Y/N)." Preston answered his daughter.

"Why her?" Pacifica asked in disgust.

"Dear, don't tell me you forgot about (Y/N), the (Y/N) Zoldyck." Priscilla said but Pacifica remained confused.

"Pacifica, remember 4 years ago. We hired a family of assassins to help us to illuminate another rich family in Gravity Falls so we would come on top?" Preston said. Pacifica nodded, she was 8 at the time.

"Well, that family send an 8-year-old girl to us. At first, we laughed at her and joked she remained emotionless, that was until..."

-Flashback 4 years old, at the Northwest mansion-

It was a stormy day with rainstorms, the figure of a young child ran through the rain towards a small town, then up the mountain and into a mansion. The Northwest mansion.

The gate was opened as requested as well as the front door. The Northwest's were to wait in the room that was directly above the front entrance, the servants were not to appear within the meeting time, only guards were able to stay in the room for protection.

The child memorized the layout of the mansion, every detail. the child ran straight to the meeting room, there sat Preston Northwest and his wife Priscilla Northwest and a row of guards behind them, all holding guns.

The child scanned the room after entering, one of the guards closed the door behind her. She walked in front of the two Northwests and sat down on the seat provided.

"Welcome to the Northwest mansion." Priscilla said, "Who are you?"

"My name is (Y/N) Zoldyck, the (only daughter / third son) in the family." the young child replied coldly with an emotionless face.

"Is the real assassin arriving anytime soon?" Preston asked, "Are you here to learn from your father?"

"No. I am your assassin." (Y/N) said.

"Silly girl, you do know how to make a joke." Priscilla laughed, her husband joined in.

"You doubt my skills at assassination?" (Y/N) said, it was more of a statement than a question.

"Of course we do." Preston laughed harder. "How are we supposed to believe a child such as yourself to be capable in such task? You should leave this to-"

(Y/N) snapped, using 40% of her speed to finish off the row of guards behind the two laughing adults and then processed to placing a dagger next to their necks.

"Do you want me to continue?" (Y/N) asked.

"N... n... No... need for that... We hired your family to help us... you can't-" Preston shuttered but was interrupted.

"My father said I could kill you if it pleases me, he said I could use the exercise." (Y/N) said coldly like the two adults were nothing but rats waiting to be eaten by a cobra. "Do you want that?"

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