Chapter 19 (55) - Who's Your Friend?

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Song Information:

Song: Colors

Artist(s): Halsey


"Very well. But it won't be easy. Take this," Ford gaves Mabel the journal #1, then a crossbow. "And this."

Mabel took them in her hands, staring at the crossbow. "Oooh!"

"I haven't been in this dimension for a while. It's okay to give children weapons, right?" Ford asked himself.

"Pssh, come on, dawg." Mabel said then fires the crossbow.

"AH! IT'S THE COPS! GUN IT!" you heard Stan shout from not far away.

As Mabel pulled out her phone Ford stopped her, "There is also one thing I would like to tell you."

Mabel wanted to say something but after seeing Ford's serious face, she sat down beside her brother and waited for Ford to continue. "Yes?"

"It's about your friend, (Y/N)." Ford started, he was now seated down.

"What about her/him?" Dipper asked nervously.

You leaned in, watching and listening to the twins from the tree. Waiting anxiously for the scene to continue onwards.

"You see, remember how (Y/N) is able to protect you at dangerous times?" Ford asked them.

"Ya? Isn't she amazing?!?!" Mabel asked with joy.

"Do you not have a thought or wonder how (Y/N) does it?" Ford asked again.

"Well, no. I mean yes. I did but (Y/N) could just be a very talented person." Dipper said.

You smiled at what Dipper mention about you, being happy for how Dipper feels.

"What if I tell you that (Y/N) was trained to be like this talented." Ford said. The twins didn't say anything. "(Y/N)'s family is unlike ours or anyone else's."

"What do you mean Great Uncle Ford?" Dipper asked, he was clearly unable to catch on to what Ford was saying.

"(Y/N)'s full name is (Y/N) Zoldyck." Ford dropped the bomb.

"So?" Mabel asked in confusion.

"She doesn't read the news or anything related does she?" you sweatdropped.

"Wait! Did you say Zoldyck?!" Dipper asked, raising his voice.

Ford nodded with his eyes closed.

Dipper bursted into laughter. "Nice one Great Uncle Ford!"

Ford and you stared at Dipper's laughing self, both of you had an eyebrow raised.

"No way is (Y/N) a Zoldyck. No way!" Dipper said as he calmed down.

"Dipper doesn't believe it... He doesn't want to believe it..." you thought, your heart ached.

"Dipper, what is Grunkle Ford saying? So what if (Y/N) is a Zoldyck?" Mabel asked in confusion.

You shook your head at Mabel's knowledge of the world.

"The Zoldyck family is a family of elite assassins, all trained to be the best of the best. All of them are legendary assassins or killers, they are feared by all but also requested by certain number of people." Dipper explained.

"Requested to do what?" Mabel asked innocently.

"To kill and murder people then they get money from their client." Ford answered.

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