Chapter 15 (51) - To Win You Got To Cheat

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"I did not sign up for this!" you shouted at Probabilitor. "Change me back!"

"Not unless your family win the game." Probabilitor smiled wickedly.

"Ah! My ears! They're so pointy!" Ford screamed while touching his ears.

"There better be something protective under this tunic." Dipper said then turned around. "Oh, no, there isn't!"

"Seriously, can't we just, like, arm wrestle or something?" Stan crossed his arms.

"I agree, can't we just fight or something?" you said.

"Come on, this game is a lot of fun. I had my mom packed me a lunch." Probabilitor smiled then took out a paper bag, and then a bag with sliced apples. "Ew, apple slices? I'll eat you last."

"Hey if you want to get smart just study more!" you shouted.

"Uh, just make with the rules, ugly." Stan said and took out a gun, chewing it.

Probabilitor put the three of you down on the board.

"The game is a battle royale. We help our characters by casting spells determined by rolls of the dice. If you win, I'll go back to my own dimension." Probabilitor explained.

Mabel clapped happily.

"But if I win, I eat their brains." Probabilitor said then Mabel stopped clapping.

Dipper looked like he wants a say in this, "Hey, I'm not sure this is such a good--"

"Deal." Stan said without any hesitation whatsoever.

"Oh boy." Dipper signed.

"Let the game... BEGIN!" Probabilitor shouted, then rolled the dice, 13. "Attack!"

The ogres had clubs in their hands and proceed on hammering Ford, Dipper and you. You used your scythe as shield but Ford and Dipper was doing so well.

"Why am I the only one with a weapon?" you questioned in your mind.

"What do we do? What are our moves?!" Stan asked.

"There are no moves!" Dipper yelled while running away from the ogre.

"You make them up!" you shouted, defending yourself.

"What? Really?" Stan said in shock.

"He must think there would be calculations involved or something..." you smiled nervously.

"Yes! I tried to tell you: this game involves math, but also risk, and imagination!" Ford explained, he was getting close to getting hit.

"Risk?" the word strunk interest in Stan's mind.

"Imagination?" Mabel smiled widely, then turn to Stan. "Grunkle Stan, make something up! It's just like lying!"

"I cast, uh... shield of... shielding!" Stan said and rolled the dice, 14. Thus a shield appeared in front of the three of you just in time from getting hit. "Ha! We're doing it!"

"Shield of Shielding Reversal Spell." Probabilitor said then rolled the dice, making your shields disappear.

"I cast: Giggle Time Bouncy Boots!" Mabel said, rolling the dice.

A pair of boots with springs underneath it appeared for the three of you.

"Nice." you said as you bounced away from your ogre. "Catch me if you can!"

"Hot flamey sword!" Mabel yelled in excitement. "Super hot flamey sword!" and the sword gets longer.

You used the newly appeared flame sword in your hand to kill the ogre chasing you, you sliced it in half and it disappeared. You looked at Dipper and Ford to see how they were doing, and it looks like they didn't need any help.

Demon's Killer Queen (Bill X Assassin Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now