Chapter 17.

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The clock ticked, it was silent in the room, only their breaths and the sound of the pen writing could be heard. Their lawyer was writing down everything they went over to make sure they covered it all. 

Natasha let her eyes wander to Steve who was sitting in the corner of the room staring absently at her. He was sad, anyone could see that. Now someone with a heart would go over there and hug him, just to get the darn look off of his face, unfortunately, Natasha was too angry to do that. 

She didn't want to sign the papers. Can't he see how much it was hurting her to sign them? She wanted the truth, only the truth can help put them in the wrong direction. 

"Can we have a moment?" She finally said, having enough of the tension in the room. The lawyer looked at her before nodding and heading out of the room, Steve eyed Natasha carefully. 

"I can't sign," He said. 

"I know." 

"They why are we here? Why are we signing these goddamn papers?" he spat out. He didn't want to come off as harsh but she was frustrating him. "No legal action in the world can make me stop loving you."

At part of her wanted to ask if that was true if he really will love her for the rest of his life. But she knew it was true, without even having to ask. She knew, she would always know. That was just how Steve was, he was an open book. 

"I know that." She sighed. "You are always so open and honest with me Steve, why can't you tell me the truth, the truth that can save us?" 

"I told you there is nothing left to tell." He said, his head fell into his hands, as his hands tugged at his hair in frustration. 

"Then why can't we resolve things! We fight, we are angry with each other, we can't even be in the same room anymore-" 

"If you would give me the time of day." He started but then slowed his talking, knowing it would make things worse. 

"I was hurt, Steve! The man I love was falling further and further away from me, no matter how hard we try and deny it it's true!" She cried. "I killed for you and yet you still won't tell me why we fought, why you forgot our anniversary," she said, there were tears in her eyes. 

Steve couldn't really say why he couldn't tell her about his demons. A sane person would. There was no reason to hide from it, but saying the truth would only make them real. He learned from an early age that life won't always go the way you want it to, so he wasn't too surprised when he started to mess up his marriage. 

"I love you, Natasha." He repeated. "I need you to trust me right now, we can forget the whole divorce thing and things will go back to normal." 

"How can anything go back to normal when I am in so much pain?" She asked. "Will you tell me the truth." He didn't respond. She sighed shaking her head. "I have to go, the paperwork is done and personally I don't want to be here anymore." 

"Don't we have to finalize the divorce?" He asked his voice sad, yet there was a tiny bit of hope. 

"No, Ms. Robinson will send our papers to the court and decided from there. Once we approve all we have to do is sign down below." She said and then sighed the paper saying the lawyer went over everything and they agree. 

"Can we meet?" He asked softly. "Maybe for lunch?" 

"I have plans." 


"Goodbye Steve," She said grabbing her purse and rushing toward the door. Steve didn't move to run after her, he knew he probably shouldn't. He just watched her leave, taking his heart with her. 

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