Chapter 3.

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After that night of the party, Natasha started to feel as if it was her fault that Steve was pulling away. So she decided to make their living conditions of the best in order to make him feel more comfortable. She was going to work night and day to make sure that she wasn't the one doing something wrong.

She woke up early this morning to cook her husband an amazing breakfast. This breakfast included waffles pancakes bacon biscuits eggs and toast. Really any breakfast food you can think of was included in this meal.

As she was cooking, Steve began to wake up to the smell of freshly baked food, he got home very late last night and forgot to change into pajamas. He moved his arm over to wrap Natasha in his arms however frowned when she was not there. Steve himself knows that everything that he has been saying at the art museum was horrible but he also knew it was a lie. Steve Rogers Loves Natasha Romanoff more than anything in the world, however, an incident involving the other night made him feel not only self-conscious but scared about the future of his marriage.

The night Natasha overheard Steve. 

"My love if you don't want me to go I can stay home today," Steve was thinking of something he should have said to Natasha this morning. Right now he sat at his desk messing with a pen after the party. He should be at home with his wife, but instead, he is here. 

Natasha and his relationship had been a bit rocky but it was never his intention. He loved her with all of her heart, he needed her in order to survive. Especially during times like this. 

Today marked an anniversary, not a good one, however. Today is the say that he fell into the ice now almost 90 or so years ago. He had stopped counting after falling in love with Natasha. Despite this new presence in his life here to protect him,  he still got nightmares, and this year they were mad. 

He knew sleep wouldn't be an option so he opted to allow Natasha to sleep and him going to some stupid party, which he didn't even want to be at. Those things he said at the party were taken out of context. He loved his wife. He was talking about his dreams, but of course, he wasn't going to tell anyone he had nightmares, so he panics and said his wife. 

All of his co-workers started becoming somewhat civil to him and if they found out he lied they wouldn't even speak to him. Just like when he first started the company. He just wanted to seem more normal, he didn't want to be known as the man with nightmares. But now he was the man with a messed up a marriage. 

"She was here tonight actually," Steve heard the voices of one of the new artist, Tyler was his name. 

"Who?" The other man, Jared, said. Jared was one of the secretaries at the art studio, he was nice but always seemed a bit rude underneath it all. 

"Sasha, you know Caleb's wife," Tyler said, they seemed to have stopped right outside of Steve's office. Steve's heart was racing, he didn't know she was here. He can only hope to god that she didn't hear what was going on between him and his friend. 

"Dude his wife is hot," Jared said to him with a little snicker. 

"Don't say that about someone's wife you idiot." Tyler scolded. 

"then why did you bring her up man," Jared asked in a rather annoyed voice, you could tell that he was drunk. 

"Because she seemed upset. She looked to be almost in tears. Do you think something is going on at home?" Tyler asked, there was genuine concern in his voice, unlike his friend was shaking his head. 

"that is not our business and I do not care," Jared let out. "Even if it was I am not going to be the one to approach Caleb. Have you seen that man? He is like four times the size of us!"  He yelled overreacting just a tad. 

Steve lost track of the rest of the conversation when the guilt started to rush over him, which is why he left. Now it was the next morning and the guilt had yet to leave his body. He made her cry, or a least he thinks he did. He barely had the courage to touch her last night, which why he didn't and his night was full of endless nightmares. 

He walked out and saw his beautiful wife standing there trying to prepare a tray of breakfast in bed. She was dressed for the day, she was going out with some friends later for a girls night.  
"Hey you were supposed to be asleep," Natasha said when she saw him leaning against the kitchen door. 

"How can I when the most beautiful woman in the world as left my side leaving me to sleep alone?" He teased as he walked over to wrap his arms around her waist. This action confused Natasha and was stiff in the hug. 

"Enjoy breakfast," She said and pushed her way out of the awkward hug. Steve frowned, his heart clenched. He knew she had heard him. She knew this was all his fault. "I have to get going," 

"Right, of course, be safe," Steve said as he watched her grab a purse before leaving in a quick motion. Steve sighed before partaking in some breakfast.

Natasha didn't know what came over her during the hug. After hearing Steve such things about her, her mind started racing and was only thinking of all the bad possibilities.

She closed her front door and leaned against it trying to find common ground. Maybe this is all a misunderstanding. Her insecurities were starting to come up once more. What if he realized what a mistake she was? What if he never really loved her? What if he was bored with her. She sighed before taking her to leave. this would pass soon, or at least she hoped. 

But to her dismay, 

It only got worse. 

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