Chapter 7.

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Still two years out from the prequel 
Steve =  Celeb 
Natasha = Sasha 

Without communications, there is no relationship
Without Respect, there is no love 
Without trust, there is no reason to continue

The cafe used to be a place of love and respect. Natasha and Steve used to always find themselves going there, especially after a long day, or when they just wanted time to talk.  

But as Natasha sat there she couldn't help but feel how far they have come. She didn't like to be here without him, even if he was on his way.  This was all new territory for her. She didn't know how to be upset with someone she was in a relationship with. 

Steve her relationship wasn't perfect, however, they never really had a fight this big. She never had to leave him before. She had never been in a relationship,  a real, emotion-filled relationship so this was all new to her. She didn't know how to handle this, however, she knew that Steve new at this too. Maybe they could find help in one another. 

"Sasha?" she almost didn't respond at the voice because of her secret name and that was not the voice of her Steve, instead of the voice of Tyler, from Steve's office. She gave him a friendly smile. 

"Tyler. Hey, I didn't know you came here too." Natasha stated nodding to the coffee he had in his hand. 

"Yeah well, I come here often to think, yeah know?" He said and Natasha nodded. She understood because this was where Steve and she had their best conversations. 

"there must be something about this place. Kinda brings out your inner thoughts." Natasha stated. 

"Yeah, I guess so. So are you here alone?" He asked looking around not seeing Steve or in his mind Caleb, around anywhere. 

"Oh no, I am actually waiting for Caleb." She said, giving him a very small amount of detail possible. 

"Caleb? Hm, you two seemed to be drifting apart lately." He said, which caused Natasha to raise an accusing eyebrow. Tyler noticed and immediately started to explain himself. "It's just that Caleb has been spending more and more time at the office I just thought." 

"Look Tyler," She said interrupting his speech, "I get that you are his coworker, but you have no right to barge into our personal life." She hated people talking about her life. It was a major pet peeve. 

"Right, of course, I didn't mean to bother you-"

"Then why did you?" Natasha and Tyler both turned around to see Steve standing just inside the coffee shop with a look on his face that isn't a pleasant one. 

" Caleb hey!" Tyler said awkwardly scratching his neck before looking down at Natasha/ Sasha again. "Hey it was good talking to you, maybe I'll see you around?" He said, and Natasha gave him a friendly smile, in order to push him away faster. Steve stood there watching as Tyler left, jealousy written all over his face. 

"What were you two talking about?" He asked, his voice deep and dangerous. Natasha frowned if there was one thing about Steve that she disliked was his jealousy, and this time it only made her feel like he didn't trust her. 

"You don't need to concern yourself about that," she replied coldly. 

"Well, I do. You are my wife," He said. 

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