Chapter 6.

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AN: just so you know we are two years out from the events that happened in the prologue. 

It's been twelve days. Life without each other is hard. Natasha and Steve haven't been away from one another for more than a week at a time. Steve was breaking, the glue holding him together was taken from him. All because he couldn't talk to her. Now he was alone. 

The house seemed empty. It was usually quiet, but this was a whole new level of quietness. He couldn't sleep. But he couldn't tell the difference between all the pain coursing through his body. But at least if he didn't sleep, he didn't get nightmares. 

Steve missed her. She hadn't called. He did though. At first, he didn't call for three days, unsure what to say, but then his nerves got the better of him. Now he called every morning, every evening, every night. He just called trying to figure out where she was and if she was okay. But of course, she didn't answer. He really blew it. 

"Hey, it's me again," Steve said, he was about to make himself dinner, but he wanted to call and see if she would answer. "Natasha I'm scared. You aren't at Clints or Maria's I don't know where else you would be. I'm so scared, I just want to know if you're okay. I know you're upset, but know that I still care about you. I messed up and I get that, but that doesn't mean I want to be without you. I don't know if anything can convince me otherwise that we aren't meant to live our lives together. we fit together so beautifully, and even when we have problems (believe me, we've had them), we've somehow gotten through them, for better or for worse. Please if you give me the chance I can work on trying to improve. You're confused and I get that but so am I." He sighed. "Natasha look-" the voice mail ended. He sighed and placed the phone on the counter.

 He really messed up. He lost an amazing woman. If only he wasn't weak, if he was able to control his emotions, had he moved on then maybe things would be as they used to be. Instead, he was weak, he let his pride take over him. And what did he have to show for it? A broken heart. 


Natasha was just as bad if not worse. She was in a complete daze since leaving Steve. She wasn't sure if it was all a cruel dream where she would wake up in her husband's arms, unfortunately, that wasn't the case. 

She didn't want to be gone for this long. But the first three days were hell. She wanted him to come after him, but not a single call. Now he called daily, but she was angry. He didn't call to check on her those three days, but when he suddenly realizes what it means for her to be gone, how miserable it makes him, he is ready to call. 

No, she was gonna hold her position. He needs to realize how much it hurts her that he won't trust her. She wants to help. That's all she has wanted to do with Steve, but how can she help if he won't even tell her what is going on. 

"so are you going to tell me what the hell you're doing here?" A voice asked. Natasha looked away from the spot she was staring at on the ceiling. 

"Nick..." She tried finding her words but failed. 

"You know the last you came over my house, you and Clint were arguing. Aren't you guys a little too old for this?" He asked pushing Natasha's feet off of the bed. "Shoes girl. Being dead doesn't provide the best income." 

"Sorry," she muttered. "Clint and I aren't mad at each other. But I need a break, figured the one person who wouldn't question me. I need time." She said. 

"Is two weeks enough time? I mean it's not like I don't enjoy this visit but I really don't want to deal with some crazed Steve Rogers running in looking for his wife." he sighed. "I'm getting too old for that." 

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