Chapter 15.

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Arriving at the Avengers compound was almost torture. Natasha wants to go back into hiding, where she can hold on to the hope that nothing can change. Natasha and Thor decided to take a quin jet back and when they arrived Clint, Tony and Bruce were standing there to greet them.

"Take your time Natasha," Thor said putting his hand onto her shoulder giving her a smile. Natasha nodded her head and watched as Thor left the jet.

She hated this. Not knowing what to say or what to do in this kind of situation. She wanted to skip the whole thing but she knew she couldn't she had a face then eventually. She looked up the jet and she could see them all in bracing Thor but they all seem preoccupied, looking behind him as if to see her. They were still a chance for her to get away fly off in the jet but she just can't do that.

She took a moment to catch her breath before gathering herself. She would personally kill Stark if this wasn't an emergency. If it was then she would show no interest in resolving their problems right now. 

She fixed her leather jacket and then started to walk toward the ramp of the jet. When she came into view, Natasha was wearing no emotion on her face, looking at them emptily. They stood their awkwardly as they watched her come closer to her. 

"Why did you call me here Stark. More importantly, why did you have Thor come and abduct me?" She asked very flatly. 

"Tasha we-" Clint started but Natasha put up her hand to stop him. 

"Natasha," She interrupted him. Clint gave her a confused look, "My name is Natasha," 

"Right," Clint sighed running his hands through his hair. Clint didn't know how to handle this situation, he wanted to make amends but now was not the time. "Natasha, we needed you here, or we thought you would want to be here for this." 

"What is going on?" 

"Steve was admitted in the hospital," 


Steve was just now regaining consciousness, but could still not open his eyes. He didn't remember much until it all hit him in the face. He remembered reading her letter, he remembered losing his mind. 

They told him it would be okay, but how can it be okay when the one person you love more than anything in the world doesn't want to be with you? He has passed out twice, after hearing the news and then when he woke up he sent a message to Natasha and all the emotion caused him to pass out again.

He has never experienced this kind of pain, he didn't like it. 

As Steve laid there on his bed waiting for his eyes to open he started to hear voices coming into his room. He recognized them as Stark, Bruce, Clint, and surprising Thor but one voice caught his attention. Natasha. 

"How did this even happen?" She asked in a low voice. 

"He's in pain Natasha," Clint explained, Steve knew something was wrong if Clint was calling her Natasha, in all his time with the group, he had never heard Clint call her Natasha. "You hurt him," 

"Then I guess we hurt each other,"  was her response. Steve didn't want Natasha to blame herself, he was the one who messed up, he needed to be the one to apologize. By now he was able to open his eyes, however, he didn't want to when everyone was in here. 

"Will he wake up?" This was Thor asking. 

"Yes he will, but he will be a little bit unstable. This is the second time he has passed out, we aren't sure if it will happen again." Bruce explained. 

"Please leave," She said. Steve heard the footsteps of people leaving the room. Steve still couldn't bring himself to look at her. The first time they see one another in three months is in a hospital room, not really the romantic reunion he was hoping for. "Open your eyes, I know you're awake." 

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