Chapter 8.

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One Year Later

It's been an entire year since the incident. Life was not over the moon fantastic, however, it was improving. Communication should be key, and that's what they were trying to improve on. Steve had yet to tell Natasha about his nightmares, but she did stay up with him when he preferred to not sleep. Everything was improving.

That was until Tony called.

It was a peaceful day, Natasha was standing on their porch watching the cars drive by and birds fly past her. She didn't have anything to do today so she thought what was better than some peace and quiet? So she got a book, a bowl of fruit and a small throw and went to sit on the porch.

As she relaxed she heard the front foot open, she knew it was Steve coming home from work. While things weren't back to normal, they were okay enough for her to be happy when he came home. She put down her book and went to track down her husband.

"Steve is that you?" She asked walking into the kitchen. She saw that Steve was on the phone, looking rather annoyed. 

"Well tell him I am retired," He said into the phone, he saw Natasha and gave her a smile before focusing back on the call. "I don't do missions anymore." Natasha raised an eyebrow at him and he mouthed Tony to her. 

As she waited for Steve to finish on the phone she poured herself a glass of water and jumped on the counter. She liked listening to Steve argue with people who weren't her, it was intriguing, and kind of hot.

"If Fury really needed me, he could have to contact me himself," Steve said with his head in hands and phone of the kitchen island for just a moment before taking it back in his hand, to which Tony is still rambling in. 

"Steve, this is important we just need you  to come in for a few days, two weeks at most." Tony tried to make it sound okay. 

"Two weeks? Tony, do you understand what you are asking for?" Steve stopped a minute waiting for Tony's response. 

"Steve I explained this to you. The importance of this mission please." Tony pleads. Tony never begs. To anyone. Steve looked at Natasha for a second, he would do anything to keep her safe. He has to. This mission allows him to take him safe. 

"Tony I will have to call you back. I having dinner with my wife that I would like to get to." Natasha could hear Tony protesting as Steve hung up the phone with a sigh. 

"What did he want?" Natasha asked taking a sip of her water. Steve rubbed his temples before looking at her with a forced smile, the ones she only got when he was frustrated. 

"Apparently one of those world at stake missions we said we would only do is here. Fury wants me to come in." He said looking at her with an apologetic look. 

"Just you? What kind of mission is it?" She asked, her eyes furrowing in confusion. Fury never called them in separately anymore, they just worked too well together. 

"I don't know. All I know is that it's dangerous, and lives are at risk. I can't ignore this one Nat," He said softly coming up to her and putting his arms on the side of her on the counter where she sat. She was trapped in his arms and she wrapped her legs around him to trap him to her as well. 

"I know you can't. It's not who you are, or who you have ever been," She looked down. "We can fly out tomorrow and-" 

"Nat, you can't come. You weren't called in." I won't involve you in this. "You have to stay here." he had a look of desperation on his face. 

"No." She said looking in his eyes. "Steve we are a team, I said I would never leave you," her eyes were sad.

"and you never will," he said putting his hands on her face so she will see the look on his eyes. 

"Steve if this is a dangerous mission, then I am coming with you, I will be right by your side just like I always am." she didn't like when he went out without her, and ever since the incident, Steve noticed her becoming a bit more protective over him. "You don't have to do this alone." 

"I won't be alone doll," He said, "I will have Tony, Bruce, Clint and I think even Thor I am not sure, but I know Tony Bruce and Clint," She looked even more confused than ever. 

"Why did Fury call the rest of the team in but not me? He even called Clint in. Steve, what aren't you telling me?" She asked, her voice almost panicked. 

"I am trying here doll but you gotta trust me. You still trust me, don't you? We still have that going for us?" Trust was a very sensitive topic in their relationship, him bringing it up shows the importance of the matter. She put her hands on his face as well. 

"You know I do, I always will." She said quietly. "But that doesn't stop me from worrying. I want to go with you. I want to be with on the battlefield just like I always am. It's my job" 

"I got a job to do too. Where I am going you can't follow, what I am going to do you can't be any part of." he tried to explain. 

"Steve you are scaring me!" She said. "You know I would go to the end of the world with you and your Casablanca reference won't change a thing." She said a tear at the edge of her eyes. 

Their jobs were a sore subject. The two have become so clung onto one another that the thought of them out there alone scares them more than their nightmares. They refused to lose one another in battle, battle and wars have already taken so much from them. 

"I love you, you know that. And I think we need to stop sounding like I'm going off to war." He said with a light chuckle. 

"then stop scaring me," She said rather quickly. "I just don't want to lose you like this, I can't Steve. You have to promise me you'll come home to me. Promise me that you will be here the day you are supposed to and not a moment too soon or too late." 

"You know I can't do that. I won't nor could I lie to you. The danger level is high, but you better know damn well I am coming home to you," he said. Natasha didn't look convinced. 

"I don't like this. Fury is going to get an earful." She said as Steve pulled her close to his chest. "What am I going to do without you here?" she didn't exactly have a job after quitting last year, she didn't need one either, her money from shield kept her good until the day she died. Besides, you couldn't do a 'normal' job. 

"Go to Clint's. With Clint out on the field I am sure Laura will need help with the little rascals don't you think?" he said trying to make her feel better. "Or of course you can stay here and deal with Ms. WIlliams all week," Ms. Williams was their neighbor, nice enough lady, just a bit pushy. Often annoying Natasha. 

"Laura's it is. Looks like I should pack," she said with a sigh. Steve looked up at her with a smile. 

"I mean you could, of course, do that, but I do have some other activities that we could do," He smiled slipping his hands under her shirt, his fingers ghosting over his skin. 

"Care to explain?" she said and Steve picked her up, legs wrapped around his waist. 

"Love to." He replied and carried her to their room for a passionate night. Were improving. 

This mission will not only take them a step back, but both knew when Steve returned from the mission nothing will ever be the same. 

Finally updated! I feel like I have been slacking but I am going to try and improve! Sorry for the wait! 

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Falling out of loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin