Chapter 10.

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Warning: Impulsive decisions coming your way 

"Stark how are your readings?" They just landed (coming in on different planes to avoid suspiciously) and some were still at the airport and others were in the woods by the house. 

"I can not read anything, this airport is disgusting, literally any sign they have has fingerprints, it's unsanitary," Tony complained as he drugs his luggage through security. 

"That's not what I meant Tony," Steve sighed. "Is there any sign of her at the airport, Fury said she is trying to leave the country a plane is one way to do that," 

"Well I have nothing here, Friday are you picking up anything? Potential threats?" Tony asked. 

"Sorry, Mr. Stark but I have no readings for a Yelena Belova," The AI responding bringing up different identifications of the people running by him in the airport. 

"Clint? Anything at the borders?" Cap asked keeping an eye on the house, there was no car or movement near the house, but he kept his eyes glued to the house. 

"No," He responded. "Ethier we already missed her or she is the best god damn spy we have come across," Clint added. 

"Not possible we have been on high alert all morning, if anyone was going to leave Russia we would have known about it," Steve said. "Hill is there anything on the scanners back at base?" 

"No," She said, "she knows how to stay off the radar," 

"Okay, that doesn't mean she is gone yet. Keep your eyes open guys, the moment we see her I wanna you to engage, we can't afford to lose her." Steve spoke in what Natasha like to call his 'Captain America' voice. 

There was a peal of laughter causing Natasha to turn around in her chair. She glared at the woman laughing for a few moments before speaking up. "What is your problem?"

"They are supposed to be Earth's mightiest heroes, worlds brightest, you know except that idiot Barton, and yet they don't know when they are being hacked? You hacked not only their coms but mission cameras," Yelena shook her head in disbelief. "pathetic," 

"are you done? Because I think we have more to worry about," Natasha said standing up, they were in a van not far from where the Avengers assumed Yelena was and were waiting until Steve was no longer in the kill when you see her kind of mood. His voice was too dangerous to approach. 

"you know Natasha us together again is just like the old times," She said attaching a gun to her thigh in case of an emergency, they both did so, you could call it a habit. "You can never find a partner quiet like me," 

"that's the point," Natasha mumbled. "Are you even taking this seriously? Yelena, you have a kid to worry about now," 

"Well excuse me for not knowing how to act. It wasn't something we were taught growing up," She huffed. 

"You don't think I know that? Part of the reason I was hoping it's true and we can't have kids is because no offense but we would be horrible mothers. We don't know the first thing," She sighed shaking her head. 

"well, I guess I am always the one out of luck huh?" Yelena asked. "But it's fine, you got the worse training anyway. you probably would have been better at this then me just like everything else. Your training was... intense. But now we have to do what they taught us, even if you don't know what you're doing, act as you do," 

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