Chapter 5.

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Natasha was never the type of person to celebrate birthdays or holidays, it just wasn't how she was raised. But when she met Steve things started to change. He would often tell her of the days where his mom, Bucky, and himself would go to the store with the little money they had buying supplies to bake a cake. He would recall them going to the woods outside Brooklyn and taking a small tree, whether it was pine or not for Christmas. They just had so many traditions, that Natasha found very intriguing. 

This week was their anniversary, not their wedding anniversary, but the day they went on their first date. Steve enjoyed celebrating this one because he would say it was the day his life began, which always made Natasha blush.

Things between them are still way too tough, but since the conversations with Laura, she has been worried about losing him. So she decided she would make him his favorite breakfast and just show how much she loves him all day. 

When Steve was still out on his morning run, Natasha woke up and put some cinnamon rolls into the oven then went to shower. Afterward, she dressed in a black dress that fit her curves perfectly. 

While she was preparing for her day, Steve ran by his studio. Last night he got no sleep, instead was in the living room drawing the night sky for the hundredth time. He has had a lack of sleep for over two weeks in a row, he didn't even know what today was. 
"Hey, Caleb!" He heard the shouts of one of his co-workers who he was actually very close to. He was probably one of the only people who knew his secret but chose to hide it much to Steve's appreciation. 

"Hey man!" He said running up beside him. Brooks Robinson, was a great man, always looked out for other people, really had his life ahead of him, he was also Steve's agent. 

"You don't work today," He pointed out. "What are you doing here?" 

"going for a run gotta stay active," Steve said. 

"Oh yeah because you need so much help getting fit," He and Steve shared a laugh at that. "You seem to have your mind on something, what's going on?" 

"I just have a lot on my mind lately," Steve sighed. "Nothing I wanna bug you with." 

"Well, why don't you come with me?" He asked. "I'm going downtown for a bit for an art exhibit, you can talk to a different artist, get some new inspiration, hey I can even throw in a free lunch." Steve took a moment to think, before decided there was no harm in it. 

"Sure, why don't you text me the address and I'll go home and get ready." He said with a smile. The two parted ways and Steve ran home, having the feeling that he was missing something today. 

At home, Natasha just finished curling her hair and was taking out their homemade breakfast, getting ready for her breakfast date. She was hoping they could head to the beach afterward because that was where they had their first date. 

She heard the front door open and a smile began to appear on her face as she put a cinnamon roll on his and her own plate. She stood straight fixing her hair in place as she heads his footsteps approach. 

"Oh hey Nat," He said walking into the kitchen. He didn't pay very close attention to her as he walked to their room. Natasha frowned as she heard him shuffle through their closet. 

She moved a piece of her hair which fell on into her face before taking her cinnamon roll and placing it the counter leaving Steve's sitting in front of her. 
"Hey honey," Steve said walking in buttoning up the shirt he usually wore to work. "I am heading out for a bit," 

"Where are you going? Today's your day off Steve," She said with an annoyed voiced. Steve was taken back by her sudden hostility in her voice. 

"Brooks invited me to a gallery walk today. We didn't have anything planned so I thought it wouldn't be a problem." He said. He watched as Natasha looked down at her plate. 

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