Chapter 14

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Being on the run was not fun. Although she had to admit it was better being on the run from people that weren't the government. Leaving was the best option for her to clear her mind. Although the constant messages from her friends didn't help.

They started about a month after leaving. She guessed that was because they thought she wouldn't be gone for that long. She knew they were just trying to look out for her, but she needed space, no matter how long that takes.

Natasha, it's been a few months now and you have yet to call us. I know we are the last people you wanna hear from, but just let us know how you are.

That message was from Bruce, who was the first to contact her out of the boys. Natasha figured he was probably annoyed with everyone else asking if Natasha was around and he knew what happens in isolation.

Little Red, we messed up and we know. Damn, you were right, as always, but we can't move on if you haven't. Believe it or not, we do care about you, come home. I'm pretty sure we're all falling apart over here.

That was Tony, he wasn't as gentle as Bruce, but just as desperate to find her. She was just glad she didn't receive a message when he is drunk, or on his week-long days without sleep.

Tasha, where are you? No one can find you, not even Nick. Believe it or not but the old man is worried about you. We messed up... let us make it up to you. I need to know you're okay, please Tasha. I miss you, Laura misses you, and the kids miss their auntie, Nat.

Clint's message seemed to hit her in the heart. She got many messages just like it, but every time he mentioned his kids she couldn't help but think of Yelena and hers. It hurt Natasha deep down, and it only made her want to stay away for longer. She couldn't get this one out of her mind, not this time.

You can't just do this Nat, I love you, I am in love with you. Please don't do this, I know I don't deserve you but I need you. I can't live my life without you! I don't see a reason for living if you aren't right beside me.

Last but not least Steve, she received this message after she sent the divorce papers. She spent three months away from him, and it was the first three months in two years that she has felt... free. She loved Steve, but she didn't know if even their love was strong enough to keep them together.

Sending him those divorce papers was one of the hardest things she had ever had to do, but what was she supposed to do? She can barely look at Steve without getting angry or falling apart. There was no trust in their relationship, and what was a relationship without trust.

She knew people would be mad saying she didn't give Steve a chance to make up for what he did, but she did. When he lied to her and told his co-workers awful things about her she gave him time to come clean to her but he never did. He didn't trust her enough to come clean with that.

She wasn't used to giving her heart out, Steve was the first person in a long time she able to do that too, in fact, the last person she did it wasn't even a person, it was a cat. She didn't want to risk her heart but Steve promised to take care of it, yet another promise he broke. She just couldn't keep putting her heart out like this anymore. It's already broken enough.

This week was supposed to be a days of relaxation for her before she starts heading back to finish up the divorce with Steve, but her day was slowly interrupted by the wind and thunder.

"Oh no..." She muttered rolling her eyes. Natasha was currently Bath, England, she moved every three days to keep the boys off her trail, so far this was the most beautiful place she has been to. Apparently not the best hiding spot.

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