Chapter 2: Fighting her way into the mini pack

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A/N- Sorry it has been a while since I have updated. I had to get mouth surgery getting an extra tooth out that was growing in my gum. But I'm ok I can now eat other things besides Jell-o. This chapter is not edited and I didn't even go back through and read it over again so I hope it turned out ok and if it didn't please comment and I shall correct it. But remember to always



And follow!!!!!

Storms POV:

Staring into the the eyes of close to literal death. The whining of the other pups around me watching the last face off to find out who is the top alfa and who gets thrown out of the pack. The pup in front of me doesn't look anything like a pup he looks like a scratched up tiny bull. His menacing eyes that I thought were going to throw rocks at me. We circled each other growling and snarling.

"Apparently you are pretty good at fighting but not good enough for me to notice. And just a word of advice just give up now and stop trying because you will never beat me I am the well known and feared DAGGER!!!!!" He announced with pride and confidence. At that next moment everything in the forest went silent and then I jumped aiming for his neck and him jumping at me aiming for my own neck, both of us with barded teeth, nether one wanting to live with humility for the rest of there lives not even close to going down without a fight.

Earlier that day...

"Storm. Wake up sweet heart. Storm it's time to wake up. Today is the big day. Today is the day that you are going to become alfa of the mini pack." My mother said to me. I yawned and glared at her for waking me up. I personally HATE being woken up before 11 am. I am a moon wolf but some animals call it a night owl, I like staying up till 1am and sleeping in till 1pm.

Figuring out that once I woke up I could never get back to sleep even though it was 6:00 AM!!!!!! Way to early for my taste.

On the other hand my brother was my complete opposite with everything; he liked getting up early and I didn't, he had many friends and I didn't, he was already in the mini pack and I'm not or at least not yet, but on the other side of the fence I don't mean to toot my own horn but I am a REALLY good fighter and he's not, he is the runt and I'm not, I like my meat as fresh as possible and he likes his after it sits out for about an hour, I am a rare and well honored Night Wolf and he's a regular wolf. In conclusion we are very different and yet we have some good parts about us.

Then the pack's (not the mini pack's) omega came in. She is a small and happy go lucky type of wolf with the blondest fur and bluest eyes. Usually in packs the omega is treated like dirt but not our omega: Sunshine. In our pack everybody is respected; it was just the amount of respect they got depending on their roll in the pack. But in conclusion nobody was treated like dirt.

"Bata Juniper." Sunshine addressed my mom. "The Alfa has requested you to join and meet with him in the Alfa's den." Every level of the pack had their own cave the Alfa and bata had theirs, the hunters, the patroll, the mothers that were expecting or that where waiting till their pups were old enough to move into their designated den, and the pack members that didn't work had their own den too and they shared the den with the omega.

"Thank you Sunshine." Both of them walked out of the den going separate ways.

And here I am still laying on my nice, warm, and soft bed of leaves and grass that Sunshine changes out every week in all the dens. I really didn't want to get up and could have the choice not to but I don't want to wait and find out how my mother would respond to that. A shudder went through my body at the thought. So I rolled onto the cold and hard ground which I figured out right away was a bad idea. Stumbling around to the entrance of the den but my legs were weak because I must have slept on them wrong and also the sun shines right through the den every morning to the point where I am convinced that it is trying to cause me misery. When I walk out side I can't believe what I see, a challenge which I'm kinda scared of.

A/N- Sorry I kinda left it on a not so good cliffhanger but you you needed something because I have been starving you. I know this book is pretty childish and I wish I could write more bigger kid ones but my parents would kill me and personally 13 is to young to die. The only time I have to write this book is on my free time at school which is becoming more and more scarce. I will try my hardest to publish my next chapter ASAP but don't be to surprised if I don't submit another chapter in the next 3-4 weeks because I am going for longer chapters. But remember to always



And follow!!!!!

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