Chapter 6: Fighting My Way Up

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We all knew it would end up like this, even Dagger probably agreed but still Storm just stood there stunned from what just happened. She knew she came her to win and soon realized he did to but the fight maybe lasted 3 minutes. It was nothing. But she knew he fought with his all. After all he was just the runt of the litter. Most runts don't get past the first few months but Twitch has. It is obvious he is strong enough to survive but that doesn't mean he is as strong as a normal well built wolf.

After the realization passed though her she remembered, she is now in the mini pack. Even though for the time being she is an omega ( no offense Sunshine) she has set some type of name for herself now and for the future. But there was no time to think anymore, she waned the Alfa's position and that's what she is going to get.

But first she must challenge the next one up the list.


The next competitor was a small squiggly girl named June. She would be an easy fight and lucky for her she would still be in the pack but pushed to the bottom omega spot and I would take her patroll job for the time being. She had a light brown slightly dirty blond fur color with soft brown eyes and a white spot on her right ear. She was just barely bigger than Twitch but like him she was the runt in her litter. Her mother, Rose, was best friends since birth with my mother and our families were every close. Because of that small detail I feel bad for bumping her down.

We took our places ready to fight when the order was given.


I lounged for her side, she lounged for my throat. I was taken off guard when she used her tail mid flight at the last minute to maneuver her way out of my aim to give her a better chance at striking me down. As we collided because of my larger body weight we fell on her side of the ring but because of the weird thing she did with her tail I face planted and she caught my scruff. After a second of recovering from what just happened I stood up with her still dangling from my neck. It just took me a quick hard shake to get her off and pin her to the ground.

"I'm sorry June, but I have to do this." I said slightly guilty. I snapped at her neck hard enough to not hurt her too much but enough to get her to say...


I let go and get off her nodding my head as we make eye contact. I have to admit she was a better fighter then I thought she would be especially with that fancy tail trick.

"You are a good fighter June. If we can become friends I would love to teach you how to fight better and maybe you could teach me that amazing tail maneuver"

"Of course Storm! I would love to become friends."

This was one of the first fights I finished and walked away from smiling for gaining a new friend. I glanced at Dagger catching a dramatic eye roll from the friendship that was just made after a battle. I gave a long sigh waiting for the next opponent.

The day drug on as I won battle after battle gaining some credible scratches and blood loss. Getting pretty tired but not tired enough to run away from a good battle.

The time has come to fight the bata of the pack, Jake. Jake was a regular brown color with brown eyes and an unexplainable admiration for Dagger. He was a pretty good fighter. He is good at almost everything which helped him earn his current bata title. But I knew I was better than him in almost every way. I was not going to just stop now when I'm so close to the top, that's what quitters do. I came here, I kicked my brother out not just for fun but I will avenge him but taking the alfa title.

Me and Jake took our places, across from each other in the stone circle. Crouched down ready to spring into action.


We sprung. The sound of a ball of claws and teeth split the surrounding sounds. My claws outreached tearing through his brown fur and his scratching at my chest. His fur was tied from brown to ginger because of the amount of blood coming from the both of us. He gripped my throat threatening to rip it out. I was not going to back down from this even though from the blood loss and lack of energy I was going in and out of conscious. So I did the one thing I could think of and reach. I chomped down as hard as I could on his left ear and pulled. A piercing scream/cry drowned out everything and anything. It was so loud I was scared for a moment that maybe that wasn't his ear and maybe I had killed him but moments later his wriggling body told me other wise.

"STOP!!!" Jake screamed.

I let go of him and stepped back. Everyone around gasp. I didn't know why they did that but that was when I realized half of Jake's ear was still in my mouth but I was feet away from him. He stared at me petrified. He might have been thinking that I was going to jump at that moment for the kill. I have never hurt my opponent this bad before. Most of my fights did involve some blood but nothing that would leave a mark but this will probably leave a mark.

Because of the bloody after math of that battle the fight for the alfa position was put off till tomorrow which earned me time to get some type of strength back.

I was at the river right now that ran close to the main pack Alfa's cave. Trying to wash off the now dried blood from my pitch black coat. Remembering the look of Jake as he was carried by his whining mother out of the stone circle. It was the look of guilt, failure, embarrassment, but most of all pain. The main packs medicine wolf had to come and put a green goop of chewed up plants on his wounds and some on a few of mine as well but compared to him I will prolly be able to walk tomorrow. For him though, that was a different story.

Walking back to my family's temporary cave I saw older wolves staring at me out of the corner of their eye and with my abnormal hearing I could hear conversations that would be talking about what I had done. It was some amazement from how many wolf pups I had fought in one day just to be on top but the other half was the fear I could hear in their voice as they talked about what I did to Jake.

Many wolves have asked Dagger if he was scared to fight me tomorrow but he just rolled his eyes and said, "She tore up Jake, that's all! There is no need for me to get worried because I know I'm better than her in every way and more. Plus Jake is not that good as a fighter. No one is better than me."

I rolled my eyes at his response wondering what the other adults especially the main packs alfa would think about those words. It was obvious this wolf pup didn't even know what the word honor was and sure didn't know what the word humble meant.

As I lye in the cool cave on top of my warm mountain of fresh grass and leaf bed. Listening to my mother's and brother's cheers and good job's. At least I would never run out of cheer leaders.

Drifting off to sleep ready for a good nights sleep the silent but deadly thought crept in my mind. I have to fight Dagger for the mini pack's Alfa's title tomorrow. Tomorrow's fight will determine between me or Dagger who is fit enough to to run the main pack in the future.

Tomorrow will be life changing...

Amazing! Two chapters in the same 24 hours! New record for me. I hope you are all doing well and because I'm on winter break I'm planing to get at least one more chapter done in the next 6 days. And who knows, maybe I will even get more than one out. Last but not least let's just take a moment and appreciate how this is my now longest chapter yet and will hopefully bring you more like this. Well have a good rest of your day and remember to always



And follow!!!!!

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