Chapter 1: Storms beginning

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A/N- well here is the next chapter hope you like it and remember



And follow!!!!!

"PLEASE  mom, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!" Storm begged her mother.

"No Storm you can't go playing around  with the raccoons. They are dangerous. I mean just look at what they did to your leg last time you visited them!!" Her mom scolded.

Storm looked at her front right leg. It was pretty much all chewed up, it had really deep scratches and bites on it. Which did not support her case at all.

"Go on and play with the other wolves, your little runt brother Twitch  has already been accepted in the mini pack, which I'm surprised because the pup is so small how could he of taken down another pup. You need to go and join that mini pack. Don't fight to well to get in but good enough to be accepted, then that's when you start fighting hard to get up to the alphas spot and when your up there show them what it is like to have a good alpha because remember your going to have to do it for real when your older." Her mom reminded her.

She was taught throughout her life  that her father was the greatest wolf that ever walked the earth. He was a what they call a night wolf. They are all black but have white ears and fangs. There can only be 1 night wolf on the earth at a time and the trait is usually passed down by blood and since she was born she has been the one and the only night wolf.

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