Before the beginning

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A/N- thank you all for reading my story. This is my first actual book I have ever written  and so give me some slack. I do not really update continually but with your guys support I may do it every week. If you guys see a spelling, grammar, or wording mistake just notify me in the comments and I will be sure to fix it right up. Thank you for reading and remember to always



And follow!!!!!

The first breath of life. The sweet smell of pinewood riding the breeze. The musty feeling of dust from the surrounding rocks. The cool shade from the cave's protection. The drip, drip, of a steady current of water running from the rock above. The need to explore drives the little wolf crazy but with out the sight of her soon to be open eyes she is stuck. She is helpless. She wants to still go but the unforgettable sense of coldness keeps her close to her brother's warm body. And yet she moves out ward. Centimeter by centimeter. Wondering in the pitch black of her closed eyes only relying on her other senses to get around. As the cold becomes to much she started a constant whine for her mother. A few long frozen seconds later her mother rescued her from the torture that was inflicted. When she was finally put back with her brother she noticed that he was pushed up against their mother drinking this wonderful warm and lushes liquid.

When they were done her brother was already fast asleep but she could not go to sleep even on a full stomach but was soothed by her mother saying, "Go to sleep Storm, I know you want to explore but right now it is time to sleep. You can do more exploring tomorrow but you need your energy so you can grow up to lead this pack some day. I have no doubt in my mind that you will grow up a leader just as loyal, trustworthy, and kind as your father was. You will be the savior of this pack. You will be our one true leader."

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