Reversed roles

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In March 2012, a Bollywood event took place with Sachin as the chief guest. Several other cricketers, including Rohit and Virat had been invited as well.

Salman Khan was anchoring and he asked Sachin jokingly, "Who do you think is going up break your records in the future? No one, right?"

Sachin stood up and looked over the auditorium and said, "I can see both of them in this room...two of our youngsters. Virat and Rohit are the ones."

Being compared to his idol by Sachin sir himself both elated and embarrassed Virat, and he smiled a little as the camera flashed at him. Then he automatically turned to catch Rohit's eyes, but Rohit was staring right down, looking mortified.

Of course Rohit thought that he could never even be 1/10th the player Sachin sir was, Virat realised. Ever since the selectors had refused to put faith in him for the 2011 WC, Rohit had lost most of his confidence in himself.

Virat decided that he had to do something about it.


2012 was a nightmare for Rohit. His performance got worse and worse each month, and after the Sri Lanka series, in which he scored five single digits in five matches, Virat sought him out after dinner the day of the 5th ODI.

Rohit was looking completely depressed, listless and miserable.

"Hi, Virat," he said in a dull tone as Virat entered his room.

For a moment Virat had second thoughts about what he had decided to say. He had no delusions about his own tact--or the lack of it--and maybe he'd do more harm than good.

But then he felt strongly that as Rohit's friend, he couldn't just sit back and watch.

"I've got something to talk to you about," said Virat, extremely seriously.


"You're being an awful idiot, Rohit," said Virat bluntly.

Rohit stared at him.

"You don't even try to show a little bit of responsibility on the field. You keep throwing away your wicket, you give the opposition too many chances, you..."

"I know!" said Rohit desperately. "I know I'm not good enough to be playing for India!"

"Oh, really? You gift your wicket to the bowler every single damn time, and you'll blame your ability instead of your temperament?"

"What do you mean?" asked Rohit, confused.

"You need time to get set, you know. That's just your style. So go ahead, take your time when you go out--be patient--and accelerate later. Why do you try to go for big shots before getting set?"

"Because if I waste deliveries, it'll only be worse, isn't it, because sooner or later, I will get out cheaply."

Virat looked at him in disgust.

"I know you hate the word, but you are talented. You just are. Accept it."

"I don't know why everyone seems to think I'm talented--I'm not talented--" began Rohit vehemently.

"YOU ARE, ROHIT!" shouted Virat forcefully. "I've seen you play, you have so much time to play your shots, and your shots are so incredibly effortless. We've all seen that. Even Sachin sir knows that!"

"It's a complete misconception, Virat," said Rohit pleadingly. "I mean, I would have known if I was talented, right?"

"Not when you've got the worse possible temperament for a cricketer," said Virat, more harshly that he had intended.

Rohit's shoulders slumped.

"But temperament can be changed, you know," Virat said, much more gently. "Instead of thinking you're not good enough, instead of waiting for the day you're dropped from the national team, why don't you try working on that?"

"Ok," said Rohit. "How do I start?"

"I still think the main problem is that you don't give yourself enough time to get set," said Virat thoughtfully.

"I think I have a solution for that problem," said a familiar voice from the door, and Rohit and Virat turned to see Mahi bhai standing there, smiling slightly.

"Sorry for listening in," he said, coming inside and placing one hand on Rohit's shoulder and one on Virat's. "But I felt you were doing Rohit a major favour by telling him those things, Virat. And I know what could be done, which could change Rohit's temperament.

"What?" they asked in unison.

"I'm going to make Rohit open."

Rohit's eyes widened in awe. Opening the inning was what legends like Sachin sir, Sourav sir and Viru bhaiya did. Not incapable players like him, thought Rohit in disgust.

"I think that's a great idea, Mahi bhai! It will give him the chance to take his time and start slow, and accelerate later," said Virat, sounding honestly delighted.

"Exactly," said Mahi bhai.

"No--Mahi bhai--I mean, I'm sure I'll mess it up worse than I'm doing now--" began Rohit, half desperately.

Virat glared at him.

Mahi bhai smiled indulgently. "If you mess it up, I'll demote you again. It can't hurt to try, can it, Ro?"

"Well, no," admitted Rohit.

"It's settled, then," said Dhoni. "And I know you think you'll mess it up, but I also know that you won't," he said before leaving.

"That was a really weird idea," said Rohit fervently.

"I think it was genius!" said Virat. "I think it's going to change your career completely."

"Yeah, right," said Rohit sceptically.

Someday in the future, he would realise how right his best friend had been that day.

How it all began (A Rohit-Virat Friendship Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now