'They haven't changed'

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Rohit returned to international cricket after 6 months of thigh injury for the Champions Trophy 2017.

The first match was against Pakistan. As usual, Rohit and Virat were putting up a fine stand, though Rohit was going a lot slower than usual, getting back after so long.

When Rohit was on 91, while running on one ball, he had to dive as the throw was on his end. He thought he had made it back, but replays showed that his bat wasn't grounded, and he was given out.

Not having Virat's temper, and also knowing that he had run Virat out 4 times earlier, Rohit only felt mildly annoyed and he returned to the dugout without shouting at Virat.

The more he thought about how Virat had abused him each time earlier, however, Rohit began to feel more and more indignant. So when the batsmen came back during the rain interruption, he couldn't help glaring at Virat.

"It wasn't my fault," said Virat, coming up to him at once. "I called it correctly, you even got to the crease-- I can't help it if you forget to ground your bat. There was absolutely nothing wrong with my call... you can't blame me for you acting like an idiot!"

"I didn't even say it was your fault," said Rohit huffily.

"You looked like it was my fault," said Virat.

"Well, it was! I had to dive, so it wasn't a safe call, you know," said Rohit coolly.

"You're a lousy runner," stated Virat in an obvious tone.

"If I'm a lousy runner because I got run out once, you're a lousier runner because you got run out 4 times!" said Rohit, outraged.

Virat brightened at once. "That's why I ran you out today deliberately. You've got me out four times!"

"You're mad," said Rohit in disgust, but he had to make an effort not to smile.

"You're madder," retorted Virat.

"Of course I'm not!" said Rohit, shocked. "You can't seriously claim that I'm madder than you."

"Shikhar!" Virat called, as Dhawan walked past them. "Isn't Rohit completely mad?"

"Of course he is," said Shikhar.

Virat smirked at Rohit.

"That wasn't a fair way to ask at all," grumbled Rohit. "Isn't Virat madder than me, Shikh? And I'm not mad," he added.

"No, you're madder, Ro," said Shikhar, winking at Virat, who high-fived him.

"Jaddu!" appealed Rohit, spotting him. "Who's madder--Virat or me?"

"Obviously Virat!" said Jaddu.

Now it was Rohit's turn to smirk at Virat and slap Jaddu on the back.

Then Ash came and Virat demanded his opinion, and Ash said wryly, "Not much to choose, but I'd say Virat."

"2-1!" cried Rohit in delight, and then, of course, it turned into a full blown voting contest.

"Bhuvi, don't you think Rohit is madder than me?" asked Virat, grabbing him as he attempted to slip past.

"What do you want me to say?" asked Bhuvi mildly.

"Rohit," said Virat.

"Right then, Rohit is madder," said Bhuvi obligingly, and before Rohit could react, Shikhar appealed to Hardik as well, "Say Rohit is madder than Virat, Hardik!"

Hardik made a face and repeated it.

"3-2," said Virat, grinning.

Rohit looked scandalized. "You really should be banned for match fixing," he said drily.

"Don't even go there--it's 3-2!"

"Jinks! JINKS!" cried Rohit. "Who do you vote for?"

"It's a tough choice, because both of you are insane," said Jinks.

"You've got to choose one of us," said Rohit and Virat together.

"Virat, then," said Jinks, grinning.

"3-3," said Rohit triumphantly. "Jassi, come over here!"

Jassi obliged, and when Jaddu asked him, he said Virat, too.

"4-3." Rohit glanced at Virat, his eyes alight.

"So, yeah, nearly everyone has voted except Rohit and me and we both say Rohit is madder, so I win 5-4!" declared Virat loudly.

Rohit looked completely disbelieving as the dressing room erupted with laughter. "I don't know how you even think of these things," he said, shoving Virat, who dodged out of the way, laughing. "It's still 4-3 in my favour."

"Mahi bhai!" cried Jaddu as he came in suddenly. "We're having a vote about--"

"So I've heard," said Dhoni, shaking his head. "You guys could probably be heard right at the other end of the field. And I'm not going to vote."

Virat attached himself to Mahi bhai's back and begged, "Please say Rohit is madder, please say Rohit is madder..."

"How many more votes do you want by cheating!" demanded Rohit.

"Just one more," said Virat. Then he realised what Rohit had said and added, "Hey, I'm not cheating!"

"Sure, you're not," said Jaddu smoothly.

"Ugh, Virat, let me go," groaned Mahi bhai, unable to shake him off. "All right, I vote for Rohit."

Virat squeezed his Mahi bhai lovingly and finally released him. "4-4. It's a tie, Ro," he told Rohit in a very nice voice and offered his hand.

Rohit shook his hand grimly as Shikhar cried, "Congrats!"

"I don't think these two are ever going to grow up," Jinks told Mahi. "One minute they're fighting about a run out, the next minute about who's madder, and soon they'll be thick as thieves again."

"Yes. I've been watching them for 9 years, and they haven't changed," said Mahi bhai with an indulgent smile on his face.

How it all began (A Rohit-Virat Friendship Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz