The primary confidante

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Not only did Rohit and Virat love batting with each other, India loved them batting together too, which got one more proof in the 2nd ODI of the other WI series during December of the same year.

Chasing a target of 270, they put up a beautiful stand of 163, Virat scored a century and Rohit took India over the line.

Virat got Man of the Match, and in the Presentation, the interviewer asked him, "Did you enjoy batting with Rohit Sharma? He's another future star for India..."

Virat grinned as he said, "I'm a big fan of Rohit Sharma. I love watching him bat. He's a great talent and it was a pleasure batting with him. It always is."

Rohit winked at him from where the rest of the team was standing.


"Let's go for a walk," said Rohit after dinner that day.

Virat stared at him in disbelief. Then he touched Rohit's forehead to check if he had got fever.

"Are you in your right mind?" asked Virat in a concerned voice.

Rohit slapped Virat's hand away. "Of course I am!"

"We batted for almost 3 hours, you are supposed to be awfully tired today."

"Well, I'm not. Let's go out, please."

"I'm tired today. Can we go tomorrow?"

"I've got something important to tell you, please, Virat," begged Rohit.

Since Rohit didn't usually lie, Virat sighed and got up. "All right then, let's go."

They had been walking for fifteen minutes before Rohit finally said, "I think I'm in love with Ritika."

"That's what you took so much time to tell me?" said Virat in exasperation. "I know you like Ritika, and it's clear she likes you too, so tell her!"

"Not like," said Rohit indignantly. "I said I love her. I want to marry her!"

"Wow, Ro," said Virat sarcastically. "You want to marry at the age of 24!"

"I didn't say I want to marry her today," said Rohit, getting even more indignant. "I just don't want to get into a short lived relationship like you do with people. What was your last girlfriend's name again?"

"Sarah," said Virat, laughing.

"See? I didn't even remember her name," said Rohit severely. "Could you forget Ritika's name?"

"No," admitted Virat. "You only ever talk about her."

"Exactly! You're so thick, it takes ages to explain anything to you."

"I don't see anything wrong with a short term relationship if both people want it," said Virat sulkily.

"One day you'll be eating your words, you'll see," said Rohit grimly.

Virat ignored Rohit's reprimanding tone. "Whatever fault you find with me, it doesn't change the fact that you should tell Ritika."

"You're so hopeless," said Rohit regretfully.

"Well, what else am I supposed to say?" demanded Virat.

"I dunno--something useful maybe, but you're incapable of saying anything of use, so..."

"Did I come out for a walk just to listen to you insulting me, Rohit?" asked Virat dangerously.

Rohit laughed and threw an arm around Virat. "No, I guess I just needed to tell someone."


"I'll be the first one you tell when you fall in love too, right?"

"No, she will be the first one to know," retorted Virat.

Rohit snorted. "Your mentality is going to change so much someday, Virat, mark my words. Then you'll come running to me to admit I was right."

Virat groaned.

How it all began (A Rohit-Virat Friendship Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now