Excuses in Pending

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Edited: 4/28/22

Raven was distraught to say the least. She was sitting crossed legged on her bed, in her meditating position as per usual but not meditating in the slightest.

She wasn't—sad per say, but how can you make someone whose already in denial of their own downward spiral mental capacity be upset.

Raven didn't do emotions, they have never been her thing and she wasn't about to start today. Just like she's always been doing, say she's fine and meditate it away. That always works, usually always.

Sometimes.., less than usual.

It hasn't worked in the last month.

It's ok though and if it's not ok then it will be ok because it will never not be ok, since it had to be or else what was she left with?

So no, Raven was not about to pity herself like she was some, fucking emo or something. Holy shit but she was emo. With the skull pottery on her nightstand, black nail polish on her dresser and posters of that one screaming band which was good if you listened to the lyrics. The only colors of eyeshadow she owned was black, and dark purple and don't get her started on all the eyeliners she went through.

No, she wasn't, Azarath she hoped not.

Raven groaned and flopped down on her back from her meditation position. This wasn't going to work. It never worked, and she was this close, so damn close. But of course by Trigon himself something always goes wrong for her.

Her eyes stung but not in the way she wanted.

Of course it would turn out like this because nothing was ever right for Raven. Always fucked up just like her own fucked up self. It wasn't anything new to her at this point. She was in a pit of fire and it burned and burned, too hot but she wouldn't ashen just screaming and sobbing with no way out. Why was she even hopeful in the first place, why, why—why why why wh—

A quiet knock knock came on the other side of Ravens door.

"Raven, I know you don't like sweets very much but I made  some cheesecake with whipped cream, would you like some? Um, I—I know you might be busy so—,"

Raven shoved herself off of the bed and bolted for the door, feet fumbling over themselves from how she got up, almost tripping, swung it open. Starfire jolted by the loud sound of the wood hitting the wall, taking a small step back with her eyes widened at the suddenness. She looked up at Raven, only for her face to slightly frown. She squinted at Raven who probably looked like she just got out of a sauna. She could feel her breath still speeded up trying to catch air from the sudden almost panic attack and sweat beading down her forehead.

"Raven.., are you—"

"I'm fine!" She blurted, shocking herself from how loud she was. Starfire didn't change her expression, just looked at her knowingly.

She knew how terrible Raven was and the first thing she does is ask if she's alright, and what does she get? Yelled at, because Raven is oh so horrible. How could she yell at someone only wanting the best for her well-being. How dare she.

Starfire nodded slowly, decided not to push it anymore and reached her hand out to put the tip of her fingers on top of Ravens hand.

Raven looked up blinking fast at Starfire and oh— she lost it again.

Raven opened her mouth, "T—the cake Star.. I was hoping to um, try it," brightening the strawberry haired girl's mood very quickly.

She smiled and grabbed Ravens wrist gently, "Thank you Raven," and happily walked them over through the hall and into the kitchen.

The cake sat on the counter decorated prettily, with what looked like a thin raspberry spread and piped out whipped cream on each cut piece.

Raven went to sit down while Star grabbed a plate from one of the cupboards and her fancy dessert forks that Robin got her for her birthday, putting a slice on a plate and sitting it in front of Raven. She stood there eagerly waiting for Ravens criticisms while Raven picked up the fork and jabbed it into the cake to taste.

And it really was wonderful.

Creamy and not too sweet, the raspberry top and whipped cream added that extra boost, gosh Raven might not be a sweets person but she'd willingly have more of this.

"Star, this tastes amazing," and Starfire sparkled.

"Thank you Raven," she said with a small blush. This girl really deserved all the praises in the world.

Raven was on her second piece when the door to the elevator opened and the three musketeers popped out all in civilian clothes.

"Guys you will not believe what happened—WHAT is that cheesecake?! I want cheesecake!" Cyborg yelled and ran over to Raven and Starfire.

"Here, let me make you a plate, would you also like some, Robin, Beastboy?"

Robin nodded while Beast boy cheerily let out a, "Yes please!"

Robin cleared his throat. "On that note, Titans listen up!" Everyone turned their heads to look at Robin, it wasn't too often he called everyone to attention like this but they still made sure to always quiet down fast and eagerly wait for their leader to speak. Perks of being Robin she guessed and knowing how to get attention from the Bat, honestly that man seems like an attention whore you can just tell Robin was raised from him.

"We're going on vacation!"

Cyborg and Beastboy cheered, pumping their fists in the air and Star whooped while twirling in a spin.

Vacation seemed so out of the blue, Raven didn't know how to feel about it. When did they ever take a vacation before, and for what? Were they tired, tired of being heros, they weren't going to.. no they'd never.

"Me and Beastie here won it at the noodle shop, eating the spiciest noodle bowl they had," Cyborg grinned and turned to fistbump Beastboy.

"Hell yeah and I only puked once, totally worth it for a free 5 star resort, and they have this massive private beach, free massages, all you can eat buffet.. This is going to be amazing," He nodded to himself happily.

"Whose going to look after the city while we're gone?" Raven asked because even if they do go, first and foremost their heroes.

Robin walked over to sit on the living room couch. "I'll just call in a few favors from the old bat and he'll take care of it," he said while plopping down and spreading his lanky body all over it.

Beast Boy turned into a cat and walked over to Robin, jumping on top of his chest to lay down. Robin rolled his eyes but rubbed his fingers through the soft fur while he let out small rumbles.

"Make sure to tell Uncle Bruce thank you for me," Starfire walked over, with two plates of cheesecake ready.

Beast Boy turned back into himself, still on Robin. Robin groaned at the sudden weight and feverishly blushed from Starfires comment, which, what a wuss, Raven couldn't help but roll her eyes at that one.

Beast boy was shoved off, and they both grabbed their plates and sat upright to eat.

"Starr, can I have another piece please," Cyborg whined and held his plate out that looked freshly cleaned, like he licked it. Ew gross. Time for her to make her leave.

"Alright I'm heading to my room," Raven announced to no one in particular and got up to leave. Beastboy turned to look over at her.

"Later Rave.," he waved his arm with his fork clutched in a fist.

Raven nodded back at him and headed on her way.
As you can see, Raven is going through it and will go through it a lot more. :)

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