Chapter 5

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Once his parents left, Jason turned to Krystal. "Why'd you say yes to her dinner offer? And the masquerade?"

She looked up at him and slightly pouted. "I didn't have the heart to tell her no. She looked to hopeful and excited, I couldn't just rain on her parade."

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. His mom had a skill in making people do what she wants. He wondered what his mom was up to. Whatever it was it wasn't good.

"I'm going to get a drink. You want one?" He asked. With a nod from Krystal, he headed off towards the bar while Krystal awkwardly stood there by herself.

It only took a few moments of standing alone before Krystal felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around, thinking it was Jason and was just about to ask him why he was so quick before she realized it wasn't him. Instead, there stood a man that Krystal didn't recognize, though she didn't really recognize anyone there. This man had medium brown hair and a smile on his face that showed off his dimples. He was tall, about six foot, and also had on a black suit and white undershirt with a black bow tie. All in all, Krystal had to admit he was pretty handsome, though not as handsome as Jason.

"Hello there," he said with his smile. "I'm Liam Black." He stuck out his hand for her to shake.

"Krystal", she replied while shaking his hand. She couldn't help but feel like she's heard his name before.

She put her index finger up to her lips and furrowed her eyebrows in thought. "I feel like I've heard your name before."

Liam smirked. "Well I'd be surprised if you didn't. I do happen to own one of the biggest companies in America."

"Nope. That's not it." Krystal immediately dismissed, seeming to be completely unbothered by his revelation.

Liam was a little shocked and confused. She didn't even seem to care that he was a multi-billionaire. His smile grew bigger. He liked this girl already.

Krystal decided to let it go. She wasn't going to remember anytime soon. Maybe before falling asleep when she's laying in her bed she'll remember where she'd heard his name from.

"Anyways, how was your night so far?" Might as well make small conversation. She didn't know when Jason was going to get back.

"It's been good so far. Until I saw the Jason Steel walk in with the most beautiful girl here on his arm."

Krystal slightly blushed at being called beautiful.

"Seriously," Liam continued. "How long have you known each other? I'm sure I would've noticed you with him before."

Krystal shrugged. "Honestly, I just met him today. Beats me why he chose to bring me here with him." She left out the part where Jason said he needed her for a plan against his ex Amy. She knew it was a sensitive subject and wasn't going to blab to some random guy she just met.

"How do you know him?" she asked curiously.

"Me and Jason go way back. We've been best friends since our high school days. We graduated high school and went off to college together. When we graduated, Jason got his fathers company and I got my fathers company."

"Wait, you own a company too?" Krystal asked. Wow, she was just meeting a bunch of rich business owners today wasn't she?

He chuckled. "Yeah. I'm the CEO of Black Inc."

"Oh," Krystal slowly replied while bobbing her head up and down. She had heard of his company as well and knew it was one of the top companies, along with Steel Corp. Of course the two CEO's of the top companies in America would be best friends. It was only natural, she sarcastically thought.

They continued to talk for a bit more. They laughed and got to know each other better and were getting along great. Krystal couldn't help but feel comfortable around him and the same went for him.

"Liam, do you have a girlfriend?" She asked him, catching him off guard.

He was a little surprised by her sudden question but answered her truthfully anyways. "No, I don't. I guess you could say I'm waiting to meet the right one who doesn't want me for my money."

"Well", she said. "I was thinking. If you didn't have a girlfriend, I have the perfect girl for you. She's my best friend and her name's Liv."

"Hm, I'm not sure. What if she doesn't like me?"

"Oh, she'll love you. I already like you and I've only known you for like five minutes. But after one date with her, you'll have her falling at your feet," Krystal laughed. "But you don't have to answer right now. You can think about it for a bit. It was just a suggestion."

"Okay. I trust you. If she's anything like you I'm sure we'll get along great."

"Yay!" She couldn't wait for them to meet. "But still, just give it some thought."

"Okay. I guess I'll give you a definite answer tomorrow night then."

"Tomorrow night?" she asked confused.

"Yeah. You know. Sunday dinner at Lillian and Steven's place?"

Krystal clasped her hands together. "That's where I remember your name from! Lillian said it was always only you four at dinner."

"Yep. That's me!" (Insert Raven Baxter)

"How'd you know I was going?"

Liam's smile grew bigger. He remembered how excited Lillian had been when she told him earlier about her plans of getting Krystal and Jason together. "She just told me a bit ago."

From the bar, Jason had been getting their drinks when he turned back to check on Krystal only to see that she was already talking to his best friend Liam. For some reason, he hated how they were laughing and talking as if they had known each other for years. He was almost sort of jealous but brushed off. He drank a glass of whisky before storming back to them, some more drinks in his hands. When he reached them, he noted how happy they sounded. He cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Hi Jason", Liam happily greeted once he saw Jason. He had always been the cheerier one out of them two.

"Hey man", he greeted back calmly, though inside he was anything but calm. He was more irritated than anything. "Here", he said as he handed Krystal her drink.

"Thanks", she said as she took the glass of champagne out of his hand and took a sip.

"So, what were you two talking about?" He was curious to know what it was that as making it seem like they were having such a great time.

Krystal was about to reply when Liam cut her off. "Oh nothing. Just telling Krystal how much I look forward to family dinner."

Jason didn't really believe it but let it go, though he was still curious about what they were really talking about.

Before he could say anything else, Liam quickly added, "Well, I guess I should really go make my rounds now but I'll see you both Sunday." He gave Jason one of those man hug things guys do and gave Krystal a hug. When he was about to turn and leave, he turned back and said, "Oh, and Krystal, I'll have my answer by then". And then he turned and left.

Jason was even more confused and curious now. He wanted to know what question Liam was going to give an answer to. He hated being out of the loop. He opened his mouth to ask Krystal what it was when he was interrupted by a voice calling his name. He didn't have to turn to know who it was. It was the voice of the person he hated the most. The voice he couldn't forget. And he knew that she would most likely be with him.

He turned to look and them and gave them a cold glare. Krystal looked confusedly between Jason and them. She didn't know who they were until Jason greeted them back through gritted teeth.

"Amy and Nicholas. What a pleasant surprise."

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Date Today: 11/9/14

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