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I roll my eyes and drops my hand, turning my head to look at her. I narrow my eyes and tilt my head, biting my tongue.

"Where's my dad?" I ask quietly through gritted teeth.

"He's out with your uncle." She responds bluntly.

"I hope he's getting something for him and I to eat. I don't particularly want to eat your weird vegetarian food." I say sarcastically, looking back at my phone.

"It's VEGAN." She hisses.

"And I don't CARE." I respond in the same tone as her. I hate this family, I genuinely despise them.

I stand up from the couch and storm out, but she closes her hand around my wrist, and harshly pulls me back. I turn around in shock, my eyes wide, and she leans her face in close to mine.

"You'll show me some respect, little girl." She hisses lowly, her teeth gritted and her eyes furious. Her long nails are digging into my skin, and I rip my arm out of her grasp, pulling back.

"Don't you fucking touch me, you cold blooded witch!" I yell. I step forwards, and she steps back, her eyes large and her mouth parted in surprise.

"Since we arrived all you've done is look down your fucking nose at us. Why? What's your problem? I hadn't seen you since I was six years old. What did I do to you for you to behave and treat me like I'm some low class citizen?!" I snap. 

She doesn't say anything. I know what she wants to say, but she's hesitating. 

"Shall I take a guess?" I say, my voice low. 

She scoffs and scowls at me, throwing me an intimidating look. She goes to walk out of the room, but I continue spitting out what's in my mind.

"You're supposed to be my blood. My family." I begin. She stops in her tracks, her back to me.

"You're nothing but a vile, evil, judgemental racist who thinks her shit doesn't stink and everyone else is beneath her. You treat your own family like dirt because of their skin color? Your daughter is a psycho, spoilt little brat who acts like a petulant child because you raised her like one. I may not live in a nice, big house, with 3 expensive cars. But my dad and I are at least happy. We have love and trust, something you don't have." 

She hasn't moved. I can see her shoulders rising and falling as she breathes, and her hands clenching into angry fists at her sides.

"My mother was ten times the woman you will ever be, because at least she knew how to treat people with dignity and fucking respect!" I yell. 

"I want you and your father out of my house by the morning." She says lowly. 

I scoff and march past her and head straight up the stairs. I walk into Rachel's room and slam the door shut, barricading it again with the chair. 

I sit down on the bed and let my head fall into my hands, sighing deeply.

I'm trying to hold back the urge to burst into tears at this point. I want to cry out of anger, frustration and hurt. And I want Jin. I want him here, I want his arms around me, holding me and telling me that everything will be okay.

My phone is still in my hand. I lift my head and unlock it, sniffing as I type out a text to him.

Willow: Are you busy?

Willow: I really need to talk to you

I stare at the screen for what feels like hours. But he doesn't read it. I sigh and drop my phone on the bed, letting my back fall onto the mattress. 

Be My Teacher || K.SJOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant