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I sit there in shock for a moment, debating whether to text Taehyung now, or to speak to him in person tomorrow. I want to tell him as soon as possible, but I also think doing it over text is wrong. 

I check the time, realizing it's nearly midnight. He's probably asleep now, anyway. No, doing it in person is the right thing to do. I know I'd prefer shocking news to be delivered to me personally, rather than through a screen.

I turn the TV off and drag my feet exhaustedly up the stairs, and into my room. I don't even bother undressing. I fall down onto my bed, the warm, comfortable feeling of the sheets. The familiar smell filling my nose. 

Nothing beats the comfort and smell of your own bed. Especially after spending days in someone elses. And that someone else happens to be a racist.

Never again. 

I soon fall into a deep sleep, the relief and bliss of being back home again swallowing me. 

After the best nights sleep I'd gotten in probably ten years, I feel refreshed, full of life and energy. Ready to take on the day, and spend some well deserved time with my friends. 

It's currently 11am, my dad and I sit at the dining table, eating a McDonald's breakfast. Neither of us wanted to cook. We wanted good, old fashioned, greasy, delicious meat. 

"Oh my God, I've missed you." My dad mumbles, his mouth full of food, talking to his double sausage and egg McMuffin. 

He moans after every bite, as if it's a brand new taste he's never had before. 

"We gotta agree on one thing, and one thing only." He begins after swallowing loudly.

"And what's that?" I reply, going to take a bite of my hash brown. 

"We will never... and I mean never become vegetarians." He says, his facial expression serious. His eyes are locked onto mine, no ounce of a joke in him.

"I agree." I chuckle. He quickly smiles, and takes another bite, rolling his eyes in taste heaven.

"Okay, but I gotta go." I say quickly, wiping my mouth and throwing the wrappers in the trash.

"Go? Where?" He asks, his head tilted in confusion.

"Just going to go meet a couple friends. Is that okay?"

He purses his lips, but smiles and then nods.

"Of course it's okay. Go have fun, you deserve it." 

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck behind the chair he's sat on, giving him a hug. 

"I'll see you later. Love you!" I chirp, grabbing my bag and jacket, heading out the door. 

I pull my phone out of my bag, and text into the group chat.

~Group Chat~

Willow: Getting a bus now. See you in about 10 mins ☺

Hoseok: I'm already here waiting ^.^

Taehyung: I'm just doing my hair, I'll be there soon

Hoseok: Get a move on! I got a surprise.

Willow: Ooh a surprise? What is it?

Hoseok: It wouldn't be a surprise then would it? :P

Taehyung: I wanna know the surprise...

Hoseok: Nope, it's a surprise for you too.

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