"Maybe if I smell bad enough he will take me back home." My monotone is a clear indicator that I'm bored.

"Maybe." Harry laughs. "Has he let you upstairs yet?"

"No. I haven't seen the sun in three days." I roll my eyes and pause my music.

"Maybe I can take you up before he gets home. You can meet Louis as Zayn."

"Yeah, because having a random girl appear from your basement is normal. And after, they will question Niall I don't want to get on his bad side." I sit up and lean against the wall. Harry is still standing in the doorframe. I pat the space next to me and Harry comes to sit next to me.

"Can you keep a secret?" I ask him.




"Okay. I used to be obsessed with you." I lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes "your music saved me from suicide, multiple times. But now all I can think about is picking up that razor again."

"You better not hurt yourself Evanna." Harry warns. "I care about you okay? I may have only known you for like a day but I care." He soothes. "As log as you still like me." He jokes and pokes my cheek.

"Not a chance." I smile and when I look up, Niall is standing in the doorway. My face drops. "how much did you hear."

"Just that Harry cares about you." He shrugs. I sigh in relief. I don't want him to take the razor out of the bathroom. I may not use it for reasons you would think but it could be a self defense mechanism thing.

"Um, yeah I'm leaving now." Harry says awkwardly, passing Niall without a glance his way. When Harry leaves, I lay back down and the bed and continue to stare at the ceiling.

"You can't give me the silent treatment forever."

"But I can try." I turn my music back on, disappearing back into my own world.

Maps by Maroon five came on and an instant smile formed on my face. I love maroon five, Adam is my bæ.


Fast forward two days and I finally broke down. It started off as me being angry at Niall.

"Why can't you just leave me alone for two hours. That's all I'm asking!" I groan and run my hands through my long brown hair.

"Because." He answers as if it's obvious. He has been following me around all day and it's pissing me off. All I want to do is watch a movie in peace.

I sit down on the couch and Blondie follows suit, I lean back and stare at the ceiling, something I've been doing a lot lately.

I was fine yesterday. Not a single tear, but now that I've been gone almost a week, it's really starting to dawn on me. And Blondie won't let me watch tv which means I can't watch the news so I don't know if people have given up on me yet.

A tear runs down the side of my face, but it doesn't take long for Niall to wipe it away with the pad of his thumb. I quickly scoot away and glare at him.

"Don't touch me." I say through clenched teeth.

"I was just trying to h-"

"What? To help me? The only way that will happen is if you let me go!" I scream. I sand up and pace the tiny basement.

"Evanna, calm down, please."

"Don't tell me what to do." I glare and continue my steps. Back and forth. Back and fourth.


"Don't 'Evanna' me! I'm not gonna fucking do what you say! I wanna go home! I just wanna go home!" I continue to scream, tears flowing down my face. Niall comes close to me, but I swat him away, slapping his chest, punching his arms, his stomach. "No!" I scream.

He grabs my waist, turning me around with much force, as I was fighting against his hold. He presses my back into his chest and holds my arms down. He starts to slowly walk backwards until he sits down on the couch bringing me with him. Why does he think holding onto me tightly will calm me down?

"No! Let go of me!" I scream trying to get out of his grip but it's no use. "Harry!" I scream louder than I have been, hoping he can hear me. He is the only one I trust in this goddamn house.

Niall's grip tightens as he tries to calm me down. He starts rocking side to side as my crying slows.

"Calm down." Niall whispers. "It's okay." Everything is far from okay, grasshole.

Even though I hate the man who is holding me down, his tight hold is relaxing and the smell of his cologne is soothing. My crying softens and my breathing slows. Niall rocks us side to side as if I am a child. Nonetheless it's soothing.

Why do I feel so safe in my kidnappers arms?

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