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Laydoe Santana


I was caught. I'm kind of glad because I was getting tired of the life I was living. It was weird. I only wanted to get out of the street life after I killed Jasmyne. Something just didn't sit right with me after that. I couldn't take that shit anymore. It was time for Kianna to focus on Kianna.

I went to Sneaky's house to tell him that I was done, and that I wanted him to come with me. Only to find out that this nigga ratted on me. He had to go. It hurt me to kill my own best friend/brother, but it had to be done. It wasn't hard for them to catch me because I didn't even try to run. All the evidence they had was crazy, but the only body they had was Sneaky's. The others were long gone.

My club was being run by White Mike. The only one I had left in my corner. I had a plan. I needed my life back. My trial was coming up and I was ready for it. One thing's for sure, Kianna had the gift of gab. And I always make good on my promises. These crazy fuckers were trying to give me two consecutive life sentences. I bet I don't do a day of that shit.

I was on house arrest while I awaited trial. They wanted to remand me, but a bitch got money. So, they settled for house arrest and demanded I surrender my passport. Now where was I? Oh yeah, my plan. I was gonna have to call in some reinforcements to pull this shit off. I went to my room and opened the secret compartment behind my dresser. I pulled out the burner phone and dialed the only number programmed in it. My dad.

Carisma Daniels. The most notorious kingpin of the south. "Baby girl." He said. I cheesed so hard, "hi daddy!" He chuckled, then got serious. "I heard. About it all." I rolled my eyes. "I know, shit got real messy dad." The line went quiet for a second. "What can I do to help?" He asked. I grinned again. "You know me so well." I replied. "I need you to get some dirt on Detective Winning." "Why?" He asked. "Because he's a very important part of my plan." I responded. "My trial is in two months daddy, this shit needs to be put into motion. Like now." I told him. "Say less." The call was ended.

Two days later, my daddy called and told me to check the mail. I already knew what was in there. He had connections everywhere. There was a detail assigned to sit outside my house every day until trial, so every move had to be made silently. I went to my mailbox and there were four regular envelopes and one big white one.

I went back inside and tossed the smaller envelopes aside and opened the big one. I grinned at all the information that was in front of me. Detective Winning was a married man, with more than a few dirty secrets. The next part of the plan was to get his partner out of the way. I called my dad again. "Now I need you to make Detective Garner go away— permanently." I told him. "I got you baby girl, let me know if you need anything else." Devious. I know. But this was a lot better than spending two lifetimes behind bars.

The next step was to invite Winning over, to share this new found information. I found his card and gave him a call. The conversation was short. I told him if he didn't come over, I'd be leaking all of his business. He'll be here tomorrow. Shit was going smoothly.

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