Chapter Two

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×Fayleen's Pov×

"Fayleen, can I talk to you at the bus?" Max asked.

"Yeah, babe" I replied. I saw Ricky clench his fists. Now my guilt from the day I left Scranton is coming back.

Max and I walked to the Falling in Reverse bus.

"What did you need to tell me?" I asked.

"Why'd you leave without saying goodbye? Why is Ricky so pissy? How come you never told me that you're Angelo's sister? I thought we were supposed to tell each other everything" He asked. I sighed heavily.

"Ricky and I have known each other since we were teenagers. I've dated him three times, I was engaged to him. He's Ashtyn's daddy. I left when Ashtyn was a day old and Ricky had to leave for tour, I left the engagement ring and my phone on the counter, I left a note, and left without telling anybody anything. I left because I was scared that Ricky would leave if Ashtyn wasn't his and-" I explained before Max cut me off.

"You cheated on him?" He asked.

"No, but I did cheat, Ricky seduced me while I was dating TJ Bell" I said.

"You dated TJ, too?!" He asked, shocked.

"Twice but for like a month and a half total" I replied.

"How long did you date Ricky?" He asked.

"The first time was six months, the second time was a week and the third time was eight and a half months" I said.

"I can't believe you'd do that,Fayleen!" He said in a pissy tone.

"I felt like it was the best thing for me to do" I shrugged.

"You felt like the best thing for you to do was to deprive your daughter of a father?" He asked.

"I wasn't thinking ab-" I began to say before he cut me off.

"Exactly, you weren't thinking" he snapped.

"Maxwell, if all we're going to do today is fight, I'll leave" I said.

"Then fucking leave, Fayleen. Leave before you cheat on me with Ricky" he spat. I slapped him across the face and walked off.

"I can't believe you'd say something like that!" I snapped. He was chasing after me.

"Babe-" he said before I cut him off.

"Don't, Maxwell. I do not wanna hear it! I'll go home and act like I never knew you, I'll just tell Ashtyn that you're permanently on tour" I said.

"I'm sorry, baby" he said.

"I'm gonna go watch the other bands, I might text you later, what you said really hurt me" I said.

"Okay... But you'll watch Falling in Reverse's show at four?" He asked. I nodded before he kissed my forehead. I started walking until I ran into a giraffe. I looked up to see Chris Motionless.

"Fayleen, please tell us why you left. Ricky went on suicide watch two times, he just now started dating and it didn't last long at all. The day after Ashtyn was born he got Ashtyn's name and birthday tatted onto his left hip, and got your name and birthday tatted onto his right hip, he needs you Fay, we have a day off tomorrow. Please talk to him, maybe let him see Ashtyn" Chris pleaded.

"Okay, lead me to the MIW tent" I said. He nodded and led me to the tent. Ricky glared at me.

"Where's Angelo?" I asked.

"He quit the band because the band was taking a toll on his physical and mental health" Chris said. Oh.

"Ricky, Fayleen and you should talk" he suggested. Ricky rolled his eyes.

"I'm not talking to a bitch who left me" Ricky mumbled.

"Fine then, be that way, you won't get to see your daughter" I spat.

"She's probably TJ's anyways" he said. I pulled out my phone and pulled up a picture of Ashtyn.

"There's no denying Ashtyn as your Richard, she's your clone" I said as him and Ryan looked over the picture.

"She's right, wiener boy. Ashtyn is your kid" Ryan said. I chuckled at Ryan's nickname for Ricky. Ricky glared at me.

"Just because Ashtyn's last name on her birth certificate is Olson doesn't mean that she's mine" Ricky growled. Sabrina came over and looked at the picture, she whacked Ricky upside the head.


"I am not blind and OW!" He replied, rubbing the back of his head.

"You deserved it" she shrugged.

"Did not! It's not my fault that Fayleen left because she's a whore! Look she's already dating again!" He snapped. Chris whacked Ricky upside the head.

"You wouldn't even be talking if Angelo heard you say that, Olson!" Chris scolded.

"Like I fucking care, Chris! He's not here so boo-fucking-hoo! It's pretty obvious that I never meant a thing to Fayleen!" Ricky spat.

"Ricky! I fucking love you! If I didn't I wouldn't have given us two more chances! I'm still in love with you, you'll always hold a special place in my heart. You're the father to my daughter, you were my first kiss, if I didn't love you, I wouldn't have given my virginity to you!" I said.

"Ahem... Your current boyfriend is right here" I heard Max. I turned around to see him with pure hurt in his eyes.

"Fuck! This day is a disaster!" I said.

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