Chapter Ten

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×Fayleen's Pov×

End of Warped Tour


Today, Warped Tour ends. Ricky and I have been dating behind Max's back, nobody has suspected a thing. The only person who knows about this is my neighbor, Luke. He told me that I shouldn't have gotten myself mixed up like that. Damn... Who knew that a nineteen or twenty year old could be so wise?

"-And that's why I don't date" Luke said. He lectured me about how relationships are nothing but drama. He said 'just stick to not having feelings and hooking up... But make sure he wraps it up before he puts it in you, we already have Ashtyn running around'.

"Luke, thanks for the lecture, but I don't think I'd be setting a very good example for Ash if I just hooked up with guys" I said.

"Do you think you're setting a good example right now? You're dating two guys, one knows about it and the other doesn't, do you want your daughter to think that you're polyamorous?" He asked.

"You, Kuza AND Ricky have all said that I'm polyamorous!" I said.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, back in 2010, I had kinda had a thing with Kuza but, he said I was polyamorous because I also had a thing with TJ Bell and I had just gotten out of a thing with Ricky, then that same day, Ricky called me polyamorous and that was the day TJ and I left tour and even more hell broke loose" I explained.

"I'm not saying that you're polyamorous, I'm just saying, you don't want to seem like i-" Luke said before Max walked in through the door.

"Hey Luke, hey baby!" Max said, going into the kitchen to get a drink. Luke mouthed 'break up with him'. And i mouthed back 'I'll try'.

"Well, it's time for me to hit the hay..." Luke announced, pretending to be tired.

"It's barely noon" Max said, sitting next to me.

"You guys probably want time to yourselves" Luke said.

"There's a three year old in the house, there is no such thing as time to ourselves" Max replied.

"Time as a family?" Luke said. Did I fail to mention that Luke is horrible at making excuses? Well... He is...

"We aren't a family, Fay and I aren't married and Ashtyn has a different dad. What's the real reason you're leaving?" Max asked.

"Maybe I wanna I hit the sack!" Luke said.

"Like jerk off or sleep?" Max asked.

"I'll see what looking at nun porn takes me and plan from there" Luke shrugged as he walked out the door.

"He's a weird kid..." Max mumbled.

"Don't act like that you weren't like that when you were nineteen or twenty" I said.

"Okay... I was but I didn't jerk off to nun porn" he said.

"Look Max... I need to talk to you" I sighed. It's now or never.

"Okay..." He said with an uneasy tone.

"I need to tell you that I hav- I love you" I said. I couldn't do it, Max is too sweet to cheat on, let alone break up with. And I'm cheating on him.

"I love you too, babe" he replied, kissing me on the lips. Times like these are when I wish that I didn't bump into Ricky again.

I want both Ricky and Max but in the end I can only have one. This sucks.

"I should go get Ashtyn from daycare" I said.

"Daycare?" He asked.

"I had to work a two hour shift this morning" I said. I work at a tire shop, behind the desk, giving people the keys to their cars and telling the dudes who change the tires and rims what size and type to put on vehicles. It doesn't make a whole lot of money, but it puts a roof over Ashtyn's head, clothes on her back, food on the table, and it gets the bills paid.

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