Chapter Seven

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×Max's Pov×

What reason does Fayleen have to say no to me? I mean does she have anything going on with Ricky? Did she kiss him back yesterday? Did they have sex yesterday?

I can't help but feel like she's cheating on me. Time to snoop.

I went into her room and went through her dresser drawers until I found a little notebook that had 'FAYLEEN'S JOURNAL DO NOT TOUCH YOU FUCK HEADS'. I sat down on her bed and flipped to the first page.

5-16-11 dear whatever the fuck this is,

I just got out here to Vegas last night. Ashtyn is now four days old, she still doesn't have her days and nights mixed up, thank the lord but it was still pretty difficult having to pull over every hour to tend to her. I kind of regret leaving Ricky, but I feel like it was for the best. That's all I have to say for now so bye...


I flipped to another page of the book, it was written last night.

6-26-14 dear this thing,

I just had sex with Max for the first time. It didn't feel right having sex with him, but I don't regret it. I mean, I love Max to death, but I can't help to feel more love towards Ricky. I know Ricky and I probably won't ever be together again because I've burnt my bridges with him long ago. Just as long Max doesn't find out that I love Ricky more than him, everything will be good. Also, when I was talking to Ricky yesterday, he kissed me and I kissed back and pushed him off, then he kissed me again and straddled my waist. As much as I wanted to go all the way with him, I didn't, for my relationship with Max's sake. U G H. I hate being in love with two people. I wanna live the rest of my life with Max but I also want to grow old with Ricky. Fuck! I hate feelingsI wish I was a teenager again, I only had Ricky on my tail and it was way simpler that way...


I couldn't believe what I just read. Not only did she lie to me, she loves another man too. This hurts. I'm not gonna confront her about it because she'll know I read her diary.

I hope she isn't cheating on me...

I went through more drawers and I found a photo album labeled 'Ricky and Fayleen Olson ❤'. I flipped it open and took out the first picture, it was Ricky and Fayleen kissing inside of what appears to be an airport. She looked so short in the picture.

I turned it over and it said 'Ricky and I meeting each other in person for the first time, 4-11-07'.

Wow... That's an old picture, I don't think Fay ever told me that her and Ricky had a past longer than a couple years ago. She still continues to lie to me.

I flipped to the last page that had pictures. The last picture was of Ricky, Fayleen and Ashtyn in the hospital.

The back of the picture said 'Ricky, Ash, and I when Ashtyn was only a few hours old, Ricky took off tour to see his little girl, I love this little family... Too bad it isn't gonna last... Taken: 05-13-11'.

She could have continued to have that family if she didn't leave. She is confusing the fuck out of me and hurting me...

The Tremble in her Voice (Ricky Horror)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin