Chapter Twenty-Eight

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×Fayleen's Pov×


I feel like my entire family has fallen apart in one day. I left my husband because he's a dumbass and I got into a fight with my mom. Now, I have nowhere to go because of my stupidity. Ricky hasn't bothered calling

Maybe I can call Luke to get Kuza's number, but I haven't talked to him a since the day I left Vegas.

But it's worth a shot.

I pulled into the McDonald's parking lot and dialed Luke's number in hopes that he'd answer. Eventually he did.

"Fayleen?" He answered.

"Hey, Luke" I said.

"Why are you calling?" He asked.

"I need Kuza's number" I replied.

"Why? So, you can give him a handjob and kiss him and never speak to him again?" He asked, his voice laced with venom.

"No, I need someone to talk to" I told him.

"Well, I'm not giving it to you. Why do you think that after like three months of not talking to me, that'd I'd do anything for you?" He asked.

"I'm sorry for asking" I stated quietly.

"It really hurts me that you didn't bother calling after I spilled all my feelings to you" he told me.

"I'm sorry" I replied.

"I really liked you, Fayleen. I don't have feelings for girls, usually. You were the exception that I'd make about the whole no feelings and no relationships rule I have, I spilled my feelings to you and kissed you!" He continued.

"Luke, I said I'm sorry" I stated.

"I shouldn't even be crying over some bitch who doesn't even care about me" he replied.

"Luke, I did care about you, but in like a little brother way" I told him.

"Yeah, because sisters give handjobs and kiss their little brothers" he said sarcastically.

"Luke, I'm married" I told him.

"To who? The guy that you hurt and were absolutely wanting to get away from? I can't believe you" he asked.

"Ricky? Yeah, I married him. Now, I'm pregnant with another child of his, and I told him that I don't want another but he still poked holes in the condoms" I told him.

"I can't believe you" he said.

"Luke-" I began before he cut me off.

"No, Fayleen. I really liked you and you ignored me and married a guy that you fight with all the time" he said "Don't ever call me again"

Then he hung up.

Maybe Kuza has the same number.

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