Chapter Thirty-One

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×Ricky's Pov×

A month later


Fayleen is still in a coma. I didn't see her for the first time until like two weeks ago because she was in and out of surgery.

They got rid of the mass that was in her brain, they said that if it comes back, it's going to be bigger and possibly cancerous.

Fayleen can only be on life support for two more months, I want her to wake up already, I don't want Ashtyn to grow up without a mom.

But it's looking that way, Fayleen is a vegetable. She hasn't shown any signs of waking up or getting better. I can't even bring Ashtyn up here because I don't want her to see her mommy like this.

Angelo and their mom haven't left Fayleen's side. I would be by her side twenty-four seven too, if it weren't for the fact that I have a child to take care of.

"Mr. Olson, may I please have a word with you for a moment?" The doctor asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded and followed him into the hallway.

"Fayleen hasn't been showing any signs of waking up or having any muscle spasms. She's been getting worse as a matter of fact, even with life support, she only has a three percent chance of living, I only give her a maybe a week to live. And when you left yesterday to go tend to your child, we did a MRI of Fayleen's brain, and the mass has came back, it's three times bigger than the last one was. We took some blood from her and the results came back to show that the mass is cancerous, and with the rate that it's spreading... She'll be lucky if she lives until this time next week. It'd be a good idea to go ahead and make the decision on whether you want to pull the plug or not" he said. I stared at him blankly.

"I'm sorry, sir" he said as he walked off.

"I'll talk to her mom and brother about it" I said as I walked back into the room that Fayleen was dying in.

"Rachael, Angelo, I need to talk to you" I sighed.

"It's about Fay, isn't it?" Ange asked. I nodded.

"She has brain cancer and has a week at the most to live, she's getting worse. The doctor said she'd be lucky if she lived to see about this time next week. He wants us to start thinking about pulling the plug" I told them. The room remained silent for about twenty minutes.

"I think she should have the plug pulled. I hate seeing my baby sister to suffer like this, she's not gonna wake up, so just go ahead and get this shit over with. At least we'll know that she won't be in pain anymore" Angelo spoke up, wiping the tears from his icy blue eyes.

"I agree with Angelo, I don't want to l-lose my baby but I don't want to watch her be a vegetable either" Fay's mom said.

"I-I guess that- that it'd be the ri- right thing to pull the pl- plug" I cried.

"I'll go get- get the doctor" her mom cried, making me cry more. THIS IS ALL MY FUCKING FAULT!!!

Her mom walked out to get the doctor. I sat in her spot, and Ange pulled me into a hug.

"Ricky, I'm glad that you met my sister, even though you guys fought a lot, you were the only guy that made her genuinely happy. She really loved you Ricky, I'm sorry that your marriage has to end this early and like this but it was like you guys were married longer than two months. When Fay dies, mom and I will help you as much as possible to take care of Ashtyn" Angelo told me, it was apparent in his voice that he was trying not to cry. 

The doctor came in and had me sign the paper work to have her taken off of life support.

I hesitantly signed it, I knew I'd have to because she's going to die soon anyways.

The doctor then disconnected the machines that have been keeping her alive. In a split second, the heart monitor went to a flat line and all three of us were crying hysterically.

How am I going to tell Ashtyn that mommy is dead?


I honestly cried when I wrote this chapter. I hate to say this but this story is coming to an end soon. Do you guys think I should write a final book for this series? Comment letting me know...


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