Chapter 14

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''we're going to meet someone that might wants to work with us.'' yoongi said, jungkook raised his fist up. ''good luck my dudes!''

''thanks but i'm still very nervous and i feel like i'm getting suffocated.'' namjoon gasped. ''well you have jae, so if something happens you can count on her.'' jungkook assured him. namjoon nodded as i patted him on the shoulder. ''alright let's go then.''

after we arrived we were expecting that we would go inside the building normally but we didn't expect so many reporters.

''oh my guests, you're finally here. let's go inside.'' the ceo of the company said. his name was free b.

a/n: does that sound familiar? i originally wanted to put b free but i switched it up.

we all three bowed before going inside. when we entered his office we were again surprised when we saw so many people already inside.

''what is this?'' yoongi questioned. free b smiled. ''nothing, just relax.''

we sat down as free b prepared hot tea for us. ''so about the contract-'' i began. ''ah the contract, i think it's better if mr. min or kim talk about that since you're just a assistant right?''

''she's not, she's my boss.'' namjoon said. ''a woman...?'' he questioned. ''weird.''

''actually i invited you here not only to talk about the contract. but also about your products.'' he began.

''as you know, our company is pretty big so it was weird when i said i wanted to work with a small and unknown company. i was only testing all of you and you're desperate for money huh? i can give you all the money you want though, for your small company.'' he smiled.

some reporters took some pictures, did free b invited us here to make fun of us?

''so i heard that you're now currently working on a new concept. you sure work hard, but that's not everything.''

''however since you guys are a fashion company, many people find your outfits too simple, ugly. i mean they're saying the truth but don't take this too serious though. but to be honest this is wasting your time, i don't think you'll go anywhere. you guys are people that are on the same path like us but you couldn't win over that temptation.''

''stop.'' i whispered, yoongi looked at me worriedly and only looked at free b, smiling. ''thanks for worrying about us so much, but we're doing fine.''

''...we'll prove you wrong.'' i said.

once we got home, the boys rushed towards us. ''we saw the news.'' hoseok said. they all looked at each other before looking at us. ''we'll prove them all wrong.''

we worked hard on our next concept dark and wild. we did our best and it actually worked out well.

''are you ready to put it online?'' yoongi asked, i nodded and was about to click on the enter button when namjoon started talking. ''do you think that we will succeed?''

''well actually this time i like the outfits, and i think we did really well.'' yoongi answered.

''but i'm not satisfied, i want to succeed.''

''he's right!'' seok jin said. ''he's right.''

''but don't expect anything though.'' hoseok warned us. ''no but i end up having expectations anyways so what can i do?'' namjoon mumbled.

jimin and taehyung nodded. ''me too.''

hoseok sighed and shrugged. ''well i'm not expecting anything.'' taehyung frowned at that. ''just because we say that we don't expect anything doesn't mean that we expect nothing.''

''yeah i start to have expectations.''

yoongi looked down. ''what i'm scared is that when we expect something but get nothing.''

jungkook tried to hype us up. ''ah don't worry! if we don't do well this time we can do better next time!''

i nodded. ''true, let's just believe in ourselves and each other.''

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